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I hate this stupid card. I hate Druid. I hate fucking bees.
And I hate that Overkill isn't only applied to enemies.
Linecracker druid busted by Scaled Nightmare , see here >>
Welcome to the clown fiesta.
"My Turn ? My Turn !"
one of my favorite battlecries
This card was the best 100 dust I've gotten from this expansion yet
I beg a differ! I cracking everyone with my combo otk priest deck.
I played this guy in Arena and got him to 40 attack and 1 health left : ) It was pretty fun but I never got to attack face with him the opponent had waaaaay to many taunt minions top decked I really wanted to smash him in the face for 40 sooooo sooooo BAD!
How can I find this card in my Deckbuilder?
Lol, well, I guess I am still drunk: comment delete xD
Could be good with a Windfury and a Rockbiter Weapon
This dude honestly looks more like someone (or rather, someTHING) that utterly SHATTERS lines instead of just crack them...
Odd Warrior could be a think? but if u draw it i think its bad xD
This is no Gahz'rilla, because you need to attack with it into minion to get the effect. though if you give it Windfury and extra attack, but then it still needs to survive for a turn...
i think it was meant for arena. this will not see any play in constructed
Is it a huge troll? I cannot really figure it out on the artwork.
Yes it's a giant troll on meth, crack, and pcp, and steroids!
This card is amazing with anything that grants charge or rush to a minion. On the other hand Gahz'rilla was stronger but never made to the top tier... but now we have different times with warrior's rush and charge cards and Houndmaster Shaw for hunter.
Could be playable with The Boomship. But I don't think so
also nice with Rocket Boots,forgotten card I know :)
Might be okay in arena but standard doesn't seem to welcome it warmly.