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Just met a guy in rank 23 (don't play that often) while playing with wizbang. I got the demon buff deck for warlock and a very good curve, I pretty much demolished him. His last card he played before conceding was baku, and I was baffeled. Why didn't his hero power upgrade?
Then I realised he played this card a few turns prior.
Don't netdeck, kids.
You all realize this card might just still work in Even Paladin now... right?
Or you can just play Sunkeeper Tarim and Spikeridged Steed since Even Pally isn't as good at vomiting out Recruits. You could try Drygulch Jailor and hope that the three dudes live, but I wouldn't bet on it.
should nerf it to 4 mana
Worse than Quartermaster and still was nerfed. But i hate odd paladin, so I will not miss this deck.
half-way done!
I wish they'd nerf this to 4 or 6 mana.
It's just insane in odd paladin decks: makes them even more of a "Draw board wipes or lose" situation.
Wish granted!
Horrid card should be 6 mana
Ding ding... Your wish is granted!
*Voting bad just to make potential Paladins not use this card*
That's how it rolls, unfortunately.
What sucks the most?
Them having full dudes, and then playing both of their Level Up!s. That just... that just hurts.
**cries in the corner**
Then again, I also play paladin... I have mixed feelings.
Carries Baku pali very hard, this is probably where blizz will hit that deck if they decide it's too strong.
Back from the future and once again the rating system is dead wrong.
This card is a great aggro AND anti-aggro tool turning usually ignore-able dudes into annoying threats on offense and defense. There's nothing more satisfying than getting a combo off with Quartermaster and this card, and having a board of 3-6 surprise 5/5 minions. Heavily underrated, just ask anyone who fought against a silver dude paladin nowadays.
GJ devs giving a really solid defensive/comeback mechanic with lots of synergy to a brainless aggro deck. This + Righteous Protector + Tarim is pure cancer.
That flavor text made me laugh way harder than it should have.
So no 2/5 body but taunt? ill try this in my dude paladin wild deck since thats a tier 1 deck, Im not so sure in standard though.
I want to make this card work. I'm gonna use this in Wild Ranked first because there's more dude synergy there, then I'm gonna head to Standard when I'm done. I still believe this card has a lot of untapped potential.
terrible epic