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Comparing this to Flamestrike, it's worse against aggro decks by a long shot, but it's far better for doing face damage. I don't run it myself, but sometimes pick it off of Primordial Glyph for some extra power to the face.
Spell damage should give 1 more missle not 1+ dmg to those three missles. Look at Arcane Missiles, spell damage gives you one more shot not 3 x 2
The text is different, though; "Deal [X] damage" vs. "Shoot three missiles...that deal [X] damage each." Spell power affects the damage there.
Just had this conversation with a friend of mine the other day. It would be awesome to get additional missiles for every Spell Damage modifier, but the wording of the card prevents that. Otherwise, it could become a 7-cost C'Thun spell (provided you have 2+ spell damage on board). It's a fair card design, but it would be spectacular to unleash these with Malygos on the board!
This card would be busted good if you could choose the targets. It's only the randomness that hurts it.
same epic and almost same mana as Avenging Wrath but it doesn't trigger Acolyte of Pain and does more damage if board is clear.
Malygos + Greater Arcane Missiles = 16 mana deal 24. The dream begins!
I think this would work as a reasonable finisher. After all Avenging Wrath was often used as 6 cost deal 8 damage spell for burst at the end. Since mages are much more likely to have spell power on the board I suspect this could be a very powerful card.
They should exchange the rarity with firelands portal.
this + Malygos would do 30 damage on an empty board.
sorry my bad :/
but the combo would still be effective, as mage you would've done damage by turn 10 anyway.
I smell reno malygos mage decks a brewing.
Board is clear, wounded malygos, cast this spell...24 OTK to face.
2 card combos aren't really consistent win conditions especially if you need Malygos to survive a whole turn after turn 9. It's a nice bonus but you'll only draw it half of the time that you get to turn 15 which is not OP odds imo.
pew pew pew!!!
seriously tho, what class would need more 7 mana spells than mage...
This could be viable in a Reno deck where you might have space...
People say this card is not good, but people will pack it and think "might as well use it."
One underlooked comparison to Flamestrike is that it can hit the face. Often, especially during control lockups, we will waste ourFlamestrike on 1-2 Minions, which could mean a spillover of 3 damage to the face. Plus, in control lockups, seeing no opposing minions on the board is common and holding both Flamestrikes happen frequently, which would mean this card is (at a minimum) 7 Mana 9 Damage to the face. We don't hate 10 Mana 10 Damage Pyroblast, do we? It's a tempo card no doubt, which justifies its 7 Mana.
should be a RARE/COMMON instead of epic! card is not very game changer.