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yet another reason to hate priest...
it's not about a deck being tier 1, it's about the fact you feel absolutely helpless against it. let's say there was a 10th class with only 10 mana 0/1 minions that literally nobody played. its complete ass and suddenly they add a 1 mana 30/30 with charge to the class that always starts in your opening hand. 8 months later it gets nerfed. youre saying we shouldnt hate on this because other classes have seen play forever?
raza priest was oppressive because it was FAR too strong whereas you still had a reasonable chance against other decks. just because it only had 15 minutes of fame doesn't mean we shouldn't hate it, it was a really dull experience.
nerf plox
When you are Deathrattle quest Priest and run this and face a Dragon Priest.... FUCKING SHIT!! AAAHHH!!@#&=(/%"!?
I hate the fact that we are doomed to use this card. it damages our minions too but we cant cut it because of quest rogue.
who said I was talking about dragon priest ?
Also it doesn't hit Azure Drake which just shits me to no end. Make Azure Drake a 3/5 Blizzard, kthx
It's a shame this card is outclassed by holy nova in Dragon Priest. Perhaps after rotation it'll be more useful. At the.moment turn 6 is too late against aggro and control just wants you to play it so they can throw out more threats
This golden animation is amazing. Good job Charlene Le Scanff!
In before Dr. Dragonfire. This pretty much is an Emperor-mana-reduced spell-damage+1 Flamestrike... By turn 6, priest will pretty much only have dragons on board, so there is no real drawback.
This spell paradoxically works against itself. It is one of the new cards that make dragon priest incredibly attractive in the next expansion, so it actually becomes less relevant as the number of dragon priests on the ladder grows.
I think shaman still outclasses all. This card will see some nasty play, I reckon.
Make Priest Great Again!
New meta dragon priest HYPE!
Sideboards blizzard cmon
Kills Blackwing Corruptor, Blackwing Technician, The Curator and all other non-dragon minions that many dragon decks run
Blizzard, Im warning you the combos this gives me
So the only major drawback is that this card is auto-lose against Kibler.
best comment !
(on topic: It's still not as good as light bomb, but every priest will run it because they need board clears)