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This is so hyper-niche that it should probable be "Silence a minion with Deathrattle, then destroy it."
I think the proper balance for counter cards like this is to be very powerful in the perfect niche to make up for being mediocre in other matchups.
why would you run this card instead of running spell breaker or an iron beak owl?
I've been thinking this could be super useful vs cube locks. Silence a cube. Silence that voidlord. You could break the Bloodreaver and have some good stats on the board with a 5/7.
I have not given it a try yet. One thing to be ready for though, with the new expansion, is to see how this would fit into a deck with Genn Greymane, since they are even cards.
I wanted good things for this card.
his voice line kinda reminds me of genji's vocie
I mean, it's a more limited Songstealer or Ironbeak.
But it's still OK...maybe?
I'm calling it: this will be the MVP of knights of the frozen throne
Tech card against Spikeridged Steed
Very good card that deals with other very good cards like aya, white eyes, sylvanas etc. In gadgetzan it didn't see any play since this card wasn't directly useful against top tier decks like aggro pirates and reno/kazakus.
So they released the overpowered 1/1 Weasel and a card to counter it in the same expansion? Finally blizz is making some balance in the game! (Kappa)
This is the mean streets version of purify - a horrible card. Silence is needed for things other than deathrattles this xpac, with all the paladin buffing; and there are several other minions that silence anything - AND they are cheaper.
Well the new Ooze is about as stupid - higher cost and less effective.
What the heck was Blizzard thinking? That they just needed some truly horrible cards just because?
Blizzard was thinking that they didn't want silence to become too strong since they had nerfed Ironbeak Owl and Keeper of the Grove at the start of this year. Same goes for Purify, they tested it silencing any minion but made it only friendly minions for the same reason.
I just open golden version of this card and I'm very confused right now... good minion with fair stats which have limited silence effect. Don't know if I should disenchant him or wait. 400 dust would be helpfull but not life saving, I'm collecting dust to craft another legendary... dilemma is huge... I was playing spellbreaker all my life (in wild) and don't know if this card fits better. Any breaking-through advise?
Obviously meant to kill Sylvanas or Cairne, but doesn't seem to do his job too well.
Fast forward a year and its clear its very usefull against Cube and Voidlord. Still doesn't see play though
If you're playing Priest, this just seems straight-up worse than Kabal Songstealer.
No surprise, class cards are usually better than neutrals.