Devout Pupil

Card Text
Divine Shield, Taunt
Costs (1) less for each spell
you've cast on friendly
characters this game.
Flavor Text
He considers textbooks Light reading.
Divine Shield, Taunt
Costs (1) less for each spell
you've cast on friendly
characters this game.
He considers textbooks Light reading.
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Mom, can I have a copy of these?
Mom: We already have Devout Pupil at home.
Devout Pupil at home:
So much support fot The Last Kaleidosaur
Ikr. If that quest is still in Standard, Pure Paladin can get it done quick.
I could honestly see this fitting into either a pure/libram paladin deck or a galakrond priest deck.
The paladin is pretty obvious, you're playing librams all game long and it won't be too hard to get this card down to 3 or 4 mana. With how easy it is to chain off librams once you get their cost reduced, it will be almost guaranteed that this card is 0 mana later on in the game.
Galakrond priest doesn't get going as quickly on this front, but you still have renew, apotheosis, and some builds running grave rune and psyche split. Not to mention synergies with Sethekk Veilweiver and all of the other randomly generated cards you end up getting throughout a match. Wouldn't be too tough to get this down to 3 or 4 mana. And honestly, even at 5 this card is still playable. That being said I'm not sure it will be impactful enough to make it into the final build, but still pretty good vs aggro.
Good card all around.
Paladins can reliably discount the cost quickly via (buff cards that see play today): Libram of Wisdom, Hope, and Hand of A'dal. Probably would replace the Amber Watchers.
That's what I was thinking too. It serves a similar role by giving the paladin some more protection in the mid-game (though as a divine shield taunt rather than through heals) but also gives you extra tempo with how easy it is to discount. It's possible we may still run both, but I was planning on replacing amber watcher with this card myself.
Seems like they're trying to push some sort of divine shield, self buff for Paladin? Is... Is this actually functional synergy with the Librams? Are they actually supporting something for Paladin?
0-4 mana 4/5 with divine shield and taunt? You can get it to 4 mana pretty quickly, and at that cost it is already good.