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Love this card in my Control Paladin. Also great flavor text XD
I can see why it is one of the important Jade Druid cards , because of the pure effect power to deal 2 damage all around and big taunt body.
This card is a big f you to priest, instant win on a empty board.
Nicely designed card. The Mana Cost, Stats and the Battlecry are well distributed and balanced. Plus, being only an epic is also a major bonus.
How can this be in any way balanced? Volcanic potion effect costs 3 mana so it's 5 mana 4/8 taunt dragon.
Dude, there is something we called 'mana cost'. You can play volcanic potion on 3 mana, which curves well in the early phase if it is in your hand. Meanwhile, the primordial drake is 8 mana, which means you cannot immediately play it in the early game (unless you are Druid and ramped so well).
Plus, one is a class card, while the other is neutral. While you are at it, why don't you just play the drake in your mage deck instead of volcanic potion, no? I doubt you will, because of the mana cost.
IMHO, the two cards are incomparable.
Horribly OP. Should be 4/4.
Abomination is 3 mana cheaper than this guy, I think +4 health and Battlecry instead of Deathratte is a fine trade for playing it 3 turns later.
8 mana 4/4 taunt? Wow I'm glad Blizzard doesn't listen to people like you
Gloop Sprayer, though he hasn't Taunt
4-attack? YES
Dragon? YES
Playable in constructed? HELL YES
= fuck priests card
priests don't have anything to AOE for 2 damage
How about Holy Nova?
amazing arena card, nice body, taunt, board clear, 4 atk, dragon
but only epic
This + Sleep with the fishes combo makes me wet
This card is surprisingly good in certain decks
Crazy good. Board clear, nice body. Take notes, Baron Geddon
A little bit of Toronto love with the flavour text.
Started from the bottom now he's clearing boards
Do. you. GET? IT!?