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As someone who plays mechs a lot, this card is good. The single biggest problem with mech is single target removal. Not being able to be hit by spells is huge for mechs. Galvanizer can help this a lot. This can let you stack some really huge single bots that are mostly untouchable.
7 mana for garbage stats no thinaks.
Hahahaha so funny
No way this is going to see play in a warrior deck, I'd be shocked to find it actually functioning in a deck. ON THE OTHER HAND, it's probably a great card to discover with Dr Boom or the Omega Spell, and whatever other synergy to come.
The cost doesn't seem to justify the meh stats and shroud, but we've yet to see the rest of the cards. Would pair well with a taunt mech, or even any mech, especially if the meta has lots of single target removal spells.
Effect looks good but it's a little too expensive (with today cost thinking)
what do you mean doctor boom warrior hero card? where did you hear that?
Play along side a Demolisher for an annoying 10 mana 4/12
Ok it's effect isn't the strongest but with that level of annoyance, your opponent has to kill it
Darn, when will this ever be a mechanic?
this want maybe a sleeper I think. Basically if you leave any Mech alive after turn 6, it may get buff the next turn. Or you cant clear this minion on turn 7 due to its high health and immune to common removals , it may get buff on turn 8. And Warrior defensive ability make the class able to play a 7 mana doing nothing on board without dying the next turn... If the new Warrior DK can mix mech like DK Rexxar style then this card is also a very good choice too
I'm getting some serious Voidlord vibes off of this thing. Immunity to common forms of removal is already very powerful, and especially in Magnetic decks where you typically want to be buff stacking things. The only two problems with this card are: It costs 7 mana, and it has no Taunt. Both of these could be overshadowed depending on the new reveals, so I recommend everyone reserve judgment until the full set is revealed, this could be a sleeper.
rather not, couse magnetic works only with other mech
I wouldn't judge this card too early!
If there is a good target for it in Warrior it could be really good.
Just on the basis of it having charge if a mech is in play, I'm willing to say that it's good already!
It’s trash lol. You were wrong
After attaching an anti-magic matrix to it, its creator realized he ran out of taunting drives and assumed a couple of magnets would work just fine.
Would be neat if it also had Taunt, but it doesn't so it probably sucks, unless Warrior also gets a really good 1 or 2-mana mech with taunt.
Beryllium Nullifier into Bonemare :-)
From bad Rush cards to terrible over-costed mechs with a useless stacking mechanic.
For a cheaper alternative to Beryllium, try asking for Arcane.