Marsh Hydra

Card Text
After this attacks, add a
random 8-Cost minion
to your hand.
Flavor Text
Three heads of marsh-mashing, bog-bashing, swamp-stomping fury!
After this attacks, add a
random 8-Cost minion
to your hand.
Three heads of marsh-mashing, bog-bashing, swamp-stomping fury!
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My favourite card from the set, it could bring various of cool legendaries incl. Princess Talanji to summon everything gathered Best one for beast druid is Kathrena Winterwisp
I am enjoying this greatly in my wild old quest (Jungle Giants) Druid. It really helps in keeping me alive and getting more resources (along with Archspore Msshi'fn)...
Op in arena for sure
So, I decided to look at the pool of what it could find, and it's interesting. More bad hits than I thought. Anything that is as least playable/situationally viable through taunt etc i will consider fine. I am also assuming this will be in embiggen druid.
Excellent cards: Tirion Fordring, catrina Muerte, murozond the infinite, alakir the windlord (barely), walking fountain, Zeraku the warped (combos nicely with hero power), deathwing mad aspect, twin tyrant, Coilfang warlord (probably the best hit in the pool), hulking overfiend
Fine cards: Lucenbark (has taunt at least), ironbark defender, Grommash Hellscream, Tomb Warden, batterhead, Pit crocolisk, supreme abyssal (honestly I don't know how to rate this one)
Bad cards: Mana giant, tortollan pilgrim (depending on deck build, could be good), Fel lord Betrug, Arcane Devourer (probably the worst hit), Gruul (have to be a fuul to not want gruul though), heroic inkeeper (probably the worst taunt card in the list), Jepetto Joybuzz, Octosari, Whirlwind tempest, Beastmaster Leoroxx (though he's great if you have another hydra in hand)
So, 10 cards I think are excellent to find as you will probably want to play them if you get them, 7 that will be situational, but won't feel too bad if you get them, and 10 that will probably just never get played. I still think you'll want to play hydra in embiggen regardless, probably cutting into something like evasive wyverns slot, but it isn't quite as strong as I was hoping after crunching the numbers. Always worth remembering that part of the problem with big cards is when they are drawn too early, they clog up the hand. Mediocre/situational cards, when generated, are often far better than if they were in the deck origionally.
Damn, this is even better that Giant Sand Worm.
I think I'm in love. I always enjoyed bigger cards, and this is actually a good one. Fast, big body, and generates free things. Could see many games where it gets you 2 free cards. Obvious slot in for embiggen druid, but really I hope we see a more...traditional midrange druid turn up, where this is one of the crux cards of the late game.
Also an obvious god tier card for arena.
See this in arena, pick this in arena.
Embiggen approves !