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This was just starting to see fringe play before the buff. At 5 mana, this will be a beating and a half.
What the heck is he saying?
Pretty sure on play he's saying, "Ooh, a rainbow!", and on attack he says, "Pretty colors!", with one of your standard yaaarghs for the death noise.
Make even pally great again!
I think a lot of people are overestimating this card.
Handbuffing was absolute trash in Gadgetzan, where there were better handbuff cards in their. I don't think this card will see any play, based on how shit they were before.
Is it possible this will be useful in a Magnetic Paladin? Buffing your Wargear or Zilliax before attaching them to something could be pretty strong in terms of tempo, with Val'anyr being even scarier. It even helps make your Glow-Tron or Bronze Gatekeeper scale better in the late game. I wonder if the mechs you revive with Kangor's Endless Army will keep the handbuffed Magnetic buffs?
It is a 6-mana 3/4 though so you're taking a tempo loss to play it in the first place, might not be worth it. Maybe just stick to Val'anyr? Either way, could be worth trying out.
I think i've found my fav epic of this expansion.
good card for any deck really, especially with new mech decks with low stats initially.
Love handbuff pally, so naturally I love this card. So many good handbuff/cards to buff I wish I could fit them all in the deck :(
Buffadin will strike once again? This time it might have some tools to do it.
Handbuff is one of my favorite decks to play in wild (Some "failed" standard cards like Countess Ashmore and Paragon of Light and Ghostly Charger are actually great in it) and being able to run this along with Prince Keleseth is great, because Grimestreet Outfitter has to get cut. Stats are a little low but it can be handbuffed itself, and +2/+2 is twice as fast a buff as +1/+1. I like it!
If wild decks are forced to run Dirty Rat because of Juicy Psychmelon, then this might be enough value and consistency with the Outfitters to not miss Keleseth too much. I'm definitely gonna try it out if I pull any from packs.
what's the point of this card ?!!!
Its for wild, like Cathedral Gargoyle is.
I'd imagine it's to give minions in your hand +2/+2.
Thank you kanye, very cool.
I like it when they bring failed concepts back. Witchwood they brought Joust back with a new Joust card that is actually really good. Now they brought Handbuffs back with this. However, unlike Joust, this will not make a comeback.
Suddenly more handbuff? Was this guy late for Gadgetzan?
Accidents. They happen, ya know?