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I guess it's one of the crappiest cards in Hunter set.
I don't know, Call of the Wild and King Krush can make 2 nice "finisher" in Beast oriented (at least) decks...
Meta defining absolutely not, but i still enjoy playing it...
очень хорошо
I got a golden copy of this from the ranked reward, and I'm so tempted to put it in a deck, but it really isn't good anymore as it was... I guess I'll consider it 400 dust. But I'll wait for all the cards to be revealed before I dust it, who knows what new hunter archtypes witchwood might create.
Just a little update from the future:
On its own, this card is unplayed. Deal with it. It doesn't beat the value of Ultimate Infestation, but ONE MILLION TIMES better than To My Side!. Although it has seen some experimentation with Spiteful Summoner and Grand Archivist, I just don't see the card being Meta-Defining as it once was back when it was released.
If Blizzard was able to magically revert the card into its original form it still wouldn't see a high amount of play. They might even need to BUFF this card to 7 mana to be at least on the line with the meta right now, but it will probably not happen.
Hunter is STILL in a wonky place right now. Newer cards like Bonemare (sort of) and Corridor Creeper have helped it slightly. Oh, and can't forget about going face.
It's not enough to beat the reigns of Raza the Chained and Shadowreaper Anduin unless you are going face with Patches the Pirate and are able to kill them before turn 8, which usually happens.
We'll see if Hunter is able to stabilize after Old Gods, Karazhan, and Gadgetzan rotates out.
(Unfortunately, this card also rotates out when Gadgetzan's overpowered cards also rotate out, so it won't see any play without those cards weighing it down.)
9 mana is just too slow for hunter. At 8, it was an excellent follow-up on your turn 6 Savannah Highmane if you went second and had The Coin, and otherwise dropping this on T8 when you're almost out of resources can give the final push. Now that it's 9 mana your opponent gets a turn to prepare themselves for the onslaught that this card provides and it makes it a lot weaker.
Sadly this is still one of the better hunter cards which goes to show how garbage hunter is these days.
Why was this nerfed again?
because "it was way to powerful at 8 mana"
which was stupid because this card was fine at 8 mana
Not to mention hunter has been practically non-existent in the ladder for how many expansions now?. It needed a strong card.
They nerf this but they leave untouched the almighty Ultimate Infestation ... wtf
Is this card still worth crafting?
You get a 5/2 with Charge, a 5/4 with Taunt and a 2/4 with +1 Attack to other minions. Still pretty good in my opinion.
EDIT: 4/2 and 4/4 without Leokk.
New favourite card
What nerfs? 9 mana is still OP. Lmao.
Really sad about the nerf, I miss it everytime I build a new hunter deck :(
hunter in 2017 is dead, at least for now
aand killed
A nerf was definitely needed. 9 mana is still great for the value, Naturally its usage dropped from 75% to 50%. But 50% is still a damn good percentage.
While this card was overpowered, and still playable at 9 mana, this nerf made the deck way less playable, and now almost all hunters are face-secret hunters.
with Execute, Call of the Wild, Yogg-Saron, Hope's End nerfs, I think shamans became even stronger, regardless of Tuskarr Totemic, Rockbiter Weapon nerfs.
Mage, druids, warriors, and hunters became much wrost.
I think two calls are unnecessary now in hunter decks. Everyone has shifted to the one call of the wild hunter decks. I myself disenchanted both of my call of the wilds and crafted back one of them. One is still very good, but I don't think two is worth nowadays.