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Why no "Echo" if it has Echo mechanic?
Great as a one-of in control lists. It’s often enough to play it 5x on Turn 10 to make your top-decking opponent concede.
This is exactly why ActiBlizz is so fucking inept at making their game. They made a keyword specifically for this effect, but don't use it! They completely forgot it exists. The same thing happened with the Recruit keyword and Inspire, despite there being several new cards that use that effect!
Hey, remember when we introduced that new Echo keyword? Yeah, let's not use it.
I sure as heck hope this card interact with secrets differently than echo somehow. That's about the only marginal reason to not re-use the keyword.
Just like Y'shaarj and recruit, there is a smidgen of reason not to update the card with the keyword due to the tiny difference in actual behavior.
Well, I mean, using it in future expansions BUT not retroactively changing old cards would be even worse than what they do now.
But yeah, I agree that what they did with Lifesteal and Poisonous the best choice.
Wouldn't it be cool if the 5/5 Swampqueen Hagatha makes would be repeatable if it gets this spell?
Sadly I don't think that's how it works, since the spell would be its battlecry rather than its actual text.
I hate they introduce keywords and then scrap them the next time an expansion comes out. What is the point? Makes it clear they are a cheap marketing gimmick rather than an innovation in gameplay. Would be nice if they could keep the language consistent.
Cards with Recruit that don't use Recruit: Deathlord, Desert Camel, Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound, Patches the Pirate, Finja, the Flying Star, Meat Wagon, Flark's Boom-Zooka, Captain Hooktusk and probably even more.
Seriously, I don't get why people complains about this card so much, but they don't say anything about the cards above.
Because inconsistency can lead to confusion.
The majority of the cards you mentioned were released before recruit existed. And people did complain about the cards that were printed later and didn't use recruit.
Compare with lifesteal, where they not only continue to use the term but retroactively gave the term to older cards, such as Wickerflame Burnbristle. I wish they would do that with all new keywords. In this case they not only don't use it retroactively, they don't even use it on future cards with the same effect!
People did complain about all of those, myself included. With the cards released after the mechanic came out, doubly so.
This one is especially egregious to me because it's obviously a callback to Witchwood, where the Echo mechanic came from in the first place. Considering they're bringing back a lot of "expansion exclusive" mechanics, their aversion to reusing keywords in any way is odd, especially when it just causes more confusion (the thing the team supposedly wants to avoid).
see the notes
So some of those (or at least the one), it isn't as simple as a text change that should have happened, given that positioning matters. I'm honestly not sufficiently familiar with all those cards to know if a similar problem exists.
The only one that I know for sure should be fine to switch to the keyword is deathlord and Flark's Boom-zooka, since they can't be a reference of positioning for the newly summoned minion.
Remember Forbidden Healing? What if we just made it better... A LOT better. This card seems really good at first glance. A flexible healing spell that can change targets as needed
So.... Rush was introduced in WW, together with Echo.
Why don't they replace each rush keyword also with "can attack minions the turn this is summoned"? Consistency? ...
Madame Lazul -> Witch's Brew
Radiant Elemental Radiant Elemental Auchenai Soulpriest Witch's Brew Witch's Brew Witch's Brew Witch's Brew...
Just like echo, but not echo...
Soup Vendor is a pretty spicy combo. Remember that walking fountain also got released
perhaps this is a 1 turn twinspell and thus not echo?