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This is one of the worsts cards ever...
I built a calculator that lets you know how many cards you can expect to draw with different numbers of spells in your deck. Hopefully someone will find it useful:
However, you should sub "minion count" with "non-spell count". Or, invertedly, ask specifically the submission of "spell count" instead.
Indeed, Hero cards and Weapons are not minions, yet they are not discarded by the Book.
Your link doesn't work anymore
It's 2018 and people still think discarding cards is a much worse effect than it actually is. lol.
This card is nuts in any deck where you can expect it to draw at least 2 minions on average.
Picked 100% in arena??? Wut???
Because this card is insane
Turn 1 Coin + Arugal
Turn 2 Book of spectres
Turn 3 Mountain Giant + Emotes + Rank 1 legend
turn 3 : coin + arugal + book of specters => draws 2 leyline manipulators + whatever minion you get you got huge discounts once you play the manipulators
rest of the game : profit !
Is it "Zoo Mage" or "Zoom Age"?
I can dig it.
Hunter needed a lot of help to make "Spell Hunter" a thing. This alone won't make a "Minion Mage." Might be a few expansions until this is a thing.
Okay, so now we have spell hunter and minion mage. This is Hearthstone. Expect everything.
dont forget thief priest and miracle rogue
you missed Dollmaster Dorian
>inb4 discard Frost Lich Jaina and other Book of Specters
Im gonna use this in troll deck that focus on coping/duplicating Lorewalker Cho and coldlights lul.
Beware control priests!
in wild? coldlight is a wild card now
This is a strong card but it will require some deck rethinking. Maybe this fits in a zoo or spiteful mage that run less spells?
Commit Seppuku when Spiteful get this card thou
Spiteful is just worse now due to the rotation. But the card just needs a nerf. Its ruined arena runs for me, and in standard a turn 6 yar'sarj is absolute garbage.