Gladiator's Longbow
Card Text
Your hero is Immune while attacking.
Flavor Text
The longbow allows shots to be fired from farther away and is useful for firing on particularly odorous targets.
Your hero is Immune while attacking.
The longbow allows shots to be fired from farther away and is useful for firing on particularly odorous targets.
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Underrated card
With his Infantry behind him,
he blasted all enemies in sight.
When the others saw him they burst into tears,
For their arrival also washed away their fears.
PS: I welcome any weapon buffs in my control Hunter!
Lol just got the Golden version this morning! Hope it goes well with my hunter deck!
One of the best card for Control Hunter :D
should i craft it ?
It's not that essential to spend dust for this weapon, there are not to many control hunters that shine in the game now. Maybe after new adventure comes, there will be some changes
I've crafted it and I love it. This is surely one of the most powerul weapons in the whole game, I suppose only Doomhammer is better.
How about Blood Fury tho?
This bow has future in hunter's control oriented decks.
This card is so much better than its reputation hints at. This is also the closest thing Hunters have to a heal (neutral cards aside).
On turn 7 it can still kill a lot of late game minions, like Faceless Summoner, Sylvanas Windrunner, or Savannah Highmane
And the best part: It curves with Call of the Wild, for a whopping 15 damage by the end of turn 8. That's an Alexstrasza battlecry if its all used in the enemy hero.
They finally fixed the explosive trap bug, I can finally play the card now.
Too late for FaceHunters, but pretty good for MidRange
Thats some epic artwork
I am so sad control paladin sees no play. This would be great in it if it was cheaper xD
The text on this card needs to be corrected to say "Your hero is immune while attacking minions". I attacked a hunter that had an explosive trap which I knew he had but it said I was immune while attacking. IDK maybe the trap triggers after, either way that doesn't work...the trap triggered and went through my shield and killed me.
HA, his actually should say immune to the minion you are attacking. I played against a paladin that had noble sacrifice and when i went to attack his taunt minion, the secret triggered, which triggered his knife juggler, hitting me for 1 damage and i died. Then his 2/1 defender went on the board since i never actually hit it. Way overcosted card and textually incorrect.
The card itself is great, but its so darn expensive that there's no use to playing it unless you're finishing an opponent off or are out of cards to play :/
Guys seriously. It's a Hunter Pyroblast for 3 less mana. It does bend to taunts tho.
But still, it is pyroblast, spread over two turns and bending to taunts, for 7 mana. seems like a good bargain to me.
Yep, which is exactly why comparing it to pyroblast doesnt make sense