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I am so disappointed in this. At least make it "cost of weapon", this is an epic card...
Would this card be playable if it read "deal it's attack to all enemy minions"? Cool art but just bad as is....
I think the animation is great, pumping out cannons from Gilneas like a MF, Jaina's flying pirateship got nothing on this.
How this works with Bladed Gauntlet? I always wanted to test it but never got the chance. Or I draw both or end up drawing none.
I haven't tested this, but I'm fairly certain that Bladed Gauntlet only has attack while equipped.
Could be great on 5 mana, i could play it in odd warrior with only Gorehowl
Gorehowl synergy.
Love the art, but warrior has better board clears.
i don't even know where to start i have to express like 8 jokes 3 face palms and 6 and some happiness for the free dust in one sentence ....
I'd love to pick the brains of the 43 people who said that this card will be "Meta-defining!" Trolls...
I think I'm more likely to use Mossy Horror in my warrior than this...
Look... Dude... Bloodrazor...
I think cost is a liiiiitle too high.
ust a little bit ..... xD
make control warrior meta again
This will be great if a fatigue warrior deck emerges that makes use of dead man's hand and gorehowl although with all the quick aggro you'd need early ways to stay in the match. May yet see some archetype with Genn and Justicar giving you 1 mana armor from the get go in wild.
Wait a sec, I'm a moron. The only good weapons to use with this are odd. D'oh.
This card seems pretty alright. I can definitely see it being used at some point.
Pardon me while I whip this out...
Big weapon warrior could be a thing, but it would suck to not run cheap weapons.
Also love the artwork.
Together with Warpath, warrior gets 2 new board clears this expansion. Is that going to be enough?