Card Text
Battlecry: Give your Silver Hand Recruits +2/+2.
Flavor Text
His specialty? Dividing things into four pieces.
Card Sounds
Battlecry: Give your Silver Hand Recruits +2/+2.
His specialty? Dividing things into four pieces.
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Level up says bye xD. 6 mana
Level Up! says hi
Press F to pay respects to quarter meta
2 arms men!!
Uh no sir. I only have 1 arm.
I don't like golden animation
his mouth is like a vacuum cleaner that sucks the hope from your opponent's soul
thank god the retard that says "i like golden animation" isn't here
OH GOD NO!! why did you tell me T_T
Quartermaster will see A LOT more play when the new expansion hits. Silver Hand Regent, Justicar Trueheart and Garrison Commander will probably work well with 2 Quartermasters in many decks.
The dependency on Muster for Battle would be reduced lots.
Not to mention Warhorse Trainer to bolster those recruits even when you don't draw your Quartermasters
Love doing Turn 9 muster + taunt then Turn 10 x2 Quarter =gg
And I love doing turn 10 Flamestrike + Fireblast.
Always consider what aoe the class that you play against has when you play this with 3 or more recruits on the field. For a druid or rogue you want to buff those recruits as fast as you can. Same with warrior just watch out for brawl. Warlocks have the perfect answer in hellfire. Against a Mage you would want to rush before turn seven if you can, but afterwards play around flamestrike. Aside from the occasional light bomb, you have a relatively great answer against priest, so buff before you get hit with holy nova. The same goes for pally expect for a equality concentrate combo. Shaman have lighting storm, and the plus spell power totem so watch out for that. Finally Hunters have almost no quick answer to such a combo, just watch out for a call the hounds set up.
I feel like I'm the only Paladin who isn't playing this.
If you manage to do t8 muster+this and lose, you're nobody.
Could easy fall prey to Flamestrike, Auchenai+Circle, Shadowflame and whatnot. You're only a nobody when you blatantly plays the combo into an AoE afterwards haha.
Oh, didn't notice 9 touched ones here... Kek, chill - "nobody" was a hyperbole. You guys are simply weak, losing, but it can be fixed by training! :)
Oh, and one more thing (kinda obvious, but to make it more accurate to slow thinkers): a lucky, big boardclear right after that is an excuse.
With the dream combo (hero power+Muster for Battle+Quartermaster), you get 23 points of value out of a 5 drop. I see a nerf in the future.
I pulled this card but I can't pull a muster for battle. The sad part, I used my dust before they launched GvG and I have 0 dust to craft a muster for battle. :(