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Great neutral 1-drop, and with Dire Mole and Fire Fly about to rotate, I expect we’ll be seeing a lot more of this. The fact that it’s an epic will naturally limit it, since F2P players will have a hard time justifying the dust, but it’s an extremely powerful card in healing decks and the stats alone will make it a strong contender for the 1-spot in any deck.
Looks like it was originally a Paladin card, because the crystal theme and healing benefits.
My guess is that the 1/3 mech with Magnetic was originally a neutral card.
Actually a lot of the class themes have neutral versions. Goblin Bomb for example. The card is mainly used for hunter yet there's a Neutral version.
There has to be overpowered 1 drop every expansion that's just how the game works. INSANE in warlock. Helps Happy Ghoul quite a bit. Allows to heal face to 30 health + 5 armor for 35 total.
Very good with Nethersoul Buster in zoolock
Waiting for the 5HP Seppuku missplays
*accidental sudoku intensifies*
This is a very good 1 Drop for slower decks: in warrior you set up a shield Slam or one of the other armor synergies. In warlock you Upgrade the spellstone in Control or you set up for healing in the healzoo and in priest you can play this in turn 1 to get your hp Active
A 1 mana 1/3 is always great so this is a welcome addition to the game. It is obviously better in certain classes (Warlock benefits the most).
They have to stop buffing Shudderwock smh just one of these in Shaman and the games broken...
It doesn't really help Shudderwock at all.
You take 5 damage, get 5 armor - then LOOSE the armor to the next 5 damage to regain it.
They are not getting any net profit on health increase.
Also deckslots are pretty restricted in that deck, they have better cards for the job.
This was a joke, I said this cause Shudderwock can literally kill themselves with this in theory.
But if you wan't to play it a different way, this can always make more health missing without puncturing the total HP, so you can gain more value out of Lifedrinker or Healing Rain. It's not good in the Shudder pool, just good as a one time use, which makes it not viable in Shudder.
Oh okai. Just didn't sound like a joke; it's hard to hear sarcasm when it's written down^^
This definetly is going to be a warlock card though. Self damage warlock, controllock, healing zoolock - they all love this!
Possibly Enables that neutral healing aggro package to technically all classes, not just warlock anymore
you already can do a healing aggro in every class, but just warlock have a draw mechanic more consistency
Emerald Reaver
Pretty excited for this, though I wish it converted health rather than dealing damage, as that means it'll chip away at any pre-existing armor before allowing heal effects.
Well hello there. High Priest Thekal :D
Great card for Suicide Lock. Wait...
I had an idea for a card like this a while ago called Blood armor, but it's why nicer here. Plus since your hero is taking damage this helps Masochist Warlock and might even trigger Eye for an Eye to deal 5 damage right to your opponents face for 2 mana. Who knows?
Paladin will finally have a way to use his own healing to trigger bonuses while not hurting himself. Much.