Card Text
Destroy a minion.
Add a random minion to your opponent's hand.
Flavor Text
Is this a noun or a verb? We will never know.
Destroy a minion.
Add a random minion to your opponent's hand.
Is this a noun or a verb? We will never know.
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OP as fuck. druid mulched my 7/7 and i got 1/1 dragonhawk as a minion. cmon.. always my luck.
Battlecry: summon random legendary minion for your opponent, maybe even Ragnaros! (seriously though it's Ragnaros).
I never knew Druid had Sap. Seriously though, what are the chances of this happening in Wild? Could someone please tell me? Thanks. And, Randomocity, if you're reading this, I'm sorry this happened to you.
A similiar thin happened to me once. I mulched Tirion for opponent to just recieve another Tirion.
3 mana Sap lul
My oponent plays mulch and i get wisp. Or tinyfin. Every single time.
It most definitely does not.
On the bright side, played a Mulch on a Water Elemental and gave the player a Captain's Parrot :D
I have the worst rng with this card.
One game today as Mill Druid, ran double Mulch, gave my opponent (a Zoolock) Antonidas and Tirion. Eesh.
Before you play this card pray to RNG gods so you won't give your opponent a good legend
Figure A: 3 mana hard removal. Randomly will instantly lose you the game.
I had this card played on me. It destroyed Sen'jin Shieldmasta. And what did I get? Lord Jaraxxus. "You will live to regret this!" I yelled at the screen. This was my first experience with Mulch. I will not be using it in the future. On the other hand, that was probably the only time I'll ever get to play Jaraxxus, and he's AWESOME!
A golden card will create a golden card. The same go for golden Unstable Portal. Plus if you use non-golden card on a golden card, it will create a golden card like when you use non-golden Bane of Doom on a golden minion it will create a golden demon.
It's a bug. Effigy also does that.
In my Midrange druid I'm using naturalise to deal with Fordring or Dr Balance, I'll try Mulch when I craft it
The bright side for naturalise is it can be use at T10 for removing Fordring and make lethal at the same time.
So does a golden Mulch give your opponent a golden minion?
Animation wise, Mulch is very similar to Wrath. Another disappointment akin to the Dragon's Breath/Flamecannon animations. I was hoping to see minions burst into green leaves/dust on the board.
Best art of Hearthstone.
The artist should be immortalized.