Card Text
Destroy all minions except one. (chosen randomly)
Flavor Text
Do you know the first rule of Brawl Club?
Card Sounds
Destroy all minions except one. (chosen randomly)
Do you know the first rule of Brawl Club?
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I would be happy if instead of a new expansion, in december all they did was hall of fame this card.
Absolute bullshit.
Its happened to me twice today :( God damn Tyrantus lives all the times :(
Almost 4 years of playing control war. I managed to lose 15 brawls in a row, leaving the strongest enemy minion alive (pretty much the reason i brawled in the first place most of the time)This has never happened before, and 15 is just a record holder, it's happening way more frequently than 2 years ago. Is it possible blizzard changed the likelihood of enemy minion survival or am i just dare i say it...unlucky?
I have the same problem-bad luck. Lost so many very high chance brawls in a row. I stopped counting after calculating 3/10000 chance of bad luck...
Just came here to cry about this card leaving Tyrantus alive 100% of the time...
Its happened to me twice today :( God damn Tyrantus lives all the times :(
funny card, but it decides the game to quickly.
One Card to rule them all, One Card to find them,
One Card to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them,
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
There might be a mistake in the card text. It should be:
Choose one: Destroy all minions except for the only one you have on board. OR Destroy all enemy minions except for the lowest cost one.
(There is of course times when my hyena gets bigger than a freaking tyrantus and they concede but i'm sure most other cases people just get pissed off at this card.)
Simple change: Destroy all enemy minions except the one with the highest attack, or maybe attack+health value. It is simple and fits the name "brawl" much better.
I love this card sometimes. A quest warrior used against me when I had a Scavenging Hyena and two other beasts and they had no minions. The hyena was the survivor and it ended up with 10 attack. They conceded immediately.
Happened to me a few times as well, but it was followed by either execute or shield slam
Seriously, this card can create scenarios that feel super unfair.
Today I was against Taunt Warrior with my Midrange Hunter. I had 3 Cats, a Houndmaster and a taunted up Leokk. He only had an Alley Armorsmith. He played Brawl and guess who survived. Thanks goodness he attacked Leokk before brawling, but even with that, that diceroll completely destroyed my chances of winning. As if Hunter hadn't an already hard time against Taunt Warrior.
Alright, I really think it is time this card to be nerf. Especially when Sylvanas Windrunner rotate out to Wild. Before syl rotate out, we still have a chance to steal one of opponent's minion.
should be 6 mana this is way too fucking op
Why does my Dirty Rat always win?
Because he plays dirty
So this is Warlock's twisting nether with a 3 mana discount at the extreme price of letting a random minion live, which sometimes is beneficient for you. Wut.
Hands down my most favourite removal card in the game. A real pain to play around, but also really fun to drop on a huge board of stuff. (except for when I had it in an arena run and it fucked me over 3 times at a 1/3 chance 2x and a 1/4 chance 1x)
Been playing a lot of Totem Shaman lately, and this card absolutely destroys me every time. I spend the entire game to get that 1 turn with the Wicked Witchdoctor to get my full board of Totems, then next turn double primal fusion. But that doesn't matter when the Warrior brawls and leaves me with a useless 1/1.
Every Single Non-Warrior players HATE this card