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I mean yeah, 4 years of expansions later lol
..... Am I really the only one who sees this and says "This is Leeroy Jenkins for 1 extra mana with the ability to NOT get fucked over by Taunt"?
Yes you are.
Only possiblity this card could be good is with Shadowcaster. But only works in really late game. The plus i can see is that this card can deal damage directly to face. So after copying it i can do a lot of damage just needs some setting up to do. And playing a 6 mana 5/5 just seems terrible thing to do.
who else understands the flavor texts reference?
A common manner of expression is that when you die, you can't take it(your stuff) with you. The joke is she's a ghost thief, so she can.
oh i got it i was just wondering who else did and its not too common from my experiences
It's just a weaker version of Fire Elemental. 100 dust yay
I need to test with shadowcaster, for 1 mana deals damage for each card played seems good.
Too high cost for a combo effect card :( Coins and preps are better used elsewhere.
I can't wait to see this smile of hers on the golden version, so I hope it sees play
The amount of people who are wrong about this is amazing.
It's a cool idea but too expensive! But if it were too cheap then it would be completely OP, so it's OK I guess.
guys: if this was literally ANY LESS than 6 mana, Rogues would abuse the hell out of this card and turn into miracle burn mage, but with a better hero power.
At 6 mana this is just too expensive. It might do 3 or 4 damage most of the time. Plus rogue already wants to play Auctioneer on 6, not this.
If you can get your Auctioneer to survive then this could do some damage, but it just seems too clunky.
"you want to play auctioneer on 6, not this " Who the fuck told you that to play this on 6 is the right decision ?
Like I said, if you can use this when you already have auctioneer out then it could be good, but it just seems too inconsistent. Also why not just play Vilespine Slayer for 1 less that is guaranteed to kill something? Plus you usually want to use your cheap cards to cycle or to develop stuff like Sherazin or VanCleef.
If you're looking to go face with this then I reckon rogue has enough tools to do that already, Eviscerate, Sinister Strike, Cold Blood, etc.
But I guess we'll find out won't we? :D
yea, but it might be the damage you're missing to kill your opponent with 2x evic and preps and a sinister or something, then you just have 5-6 more damage and you end the game right there. We'll see