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I hate this type of card. Either you can answer it or you get fucked the turn after. Stupid.
I hate the artwork on this card.
Typical Hind sighted community now it's played basically shows that people have no idea of the power level just like keleseth and other cards even ticking abom I LAUGH SO HARD at everyone that disenchanted it then had to craft it again JOKES ON YOU FOOLS
4 mana 7/7 LUL
muzzys token druid with this was pretty good
Best flavor text in all of HS?
Easily the best card in this set as it can combo with savage roar,branching paths,cenarius, and many other swarm Druid spells
I'm glad the Dark Wispers guy kept his job.
Trash card but I really like the fact they used a different art for the summoned Wisps.
yes it's trash.
Token druid tier 1
best card ever 10/10 going to craft 6
I tried my best to make a tempo-y midrange deck revolving around this and adding cards to your hand. here it is if anyone is interested
I think the card art is fantastic, even if the card is trash. First set of a new rotation though, impossible to say if it will remain that way.
*furry detector starts beeping fiercely*
1/1's in a meta full of Defile, Hellfire, Duskbreaker, and BIG Spell Mage seems like a horrible idea.
So I've been thinking about a type of "hand druid" type of deck, where all you do is hoard cards like a greedy asshole and play things only when you have to. Given how druid has a strong base of card draw solely from Ultimate Infestation, I feel like this card could easily pump out 6-7 wisps if played after that and while yeah, they are only 1/1s that can easily be cleared, but they demand some form of clearing as you can easily go and eliminate someone with Branching Path, giving you 18-21 damage if the opponent doesn't clear them.
Maybe this is my inner jank speaking, but possibly a Big Druid deck running things like Mountain Giant, Ysera, The Lich King, and also possibly the Master Oakheart dragon recruiting combo. Who knows.
Regardless of if it fits into a deck, this card is pretty decent and I'd hope some form of deck pops up utilizing it.