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It's time for the original Reckless Experimenter to come back.
For the sake of the game, this card needs to get nerfed.
And all the sudden, Sn1p-Sn4p is coming out so you will be right...
basically if your opponent leaves one of your mechs on the board, you play this turn 5 and win with infinite snippy snappers magnetised on.
wont even die at the end of the turn as its magnetised and counts as a buff
And it was nerfed. But this page has not been updated?
It's the combos with Coffin Crasher and Mecha'Thun that really make this card so annoying for those of us who haven't got one yet.
This reminds of a card from Faeria. I always thought it was really cool and i'm glad it's now in hearthstone.
(Failed Experiment - 1 Faeria. The next creature you play this turn costs 4 less. It dies instantly.)
Somehow steal a Glinda Crowskin and you'll pull off amazing (sarcasm) combos with Dark Cultist, Devilsaur Egg, or my favorite, Weasel Tunneler
The card clearly states that deathrattle minions you PLAY (with Reckless Experimenter on the board) die at the end of the turn.
Busted IF deathrattle/quest priest becomes a deck. Free end of turn cycle, great with cube, and the body's sexy.
This might be answered already, but deathrattle minions you played BEFORE this and are still in play, will they also die at the end of turn if you play this?
... Except you won't have minions on the board for any of those but Devilsaur Egg since they will die.
This could be disgustingly good. given that Priest now has Deathrattle draw. Eggs, Voodoo Dolls, maybe even Abominations.
I really like this card. Not because it's so powerfull in first instance but more because of the theorycrafting side of things.
Sylvanas Windrunner
Considering how fucked up things are when playing against a big deck, I think this card can come clutch with Sylvanas. N'zoth is going to respawn her anyway!
Egg priest confirmed.
Pretty powerful if the effects are chosen wisely. Removal, draw, summon from hand synergies are really nicely fit into this.
Voodoo Doll cost 0 and you can combo a 2 mana Carnivous Cube with 3 mana Coffin Crasher to get 2 coffin crashers another deathrattle minion in your hand that you want it to die at the end of the turn.
Or you can wait a turn and combo cube with a 6 mana obsidion statue.
And the statue dies at the end of the turn..... not quite what was expected.