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Does deathrattle trigger on Frostmourne if you play this?
It doesn't trigger on Kingsbane, so probably not.
why doesnt this work with spell power? I'm pretty sure it should as Blade Flurry does, because the text implies the same thing
Originally we thought this card was useless, but now I see why they made it, thanks to K&C. I love this thing.
So much hype... Never been played...
This card is bad, seriously.
And then Kingsbane came out, and it's useful.
Not very useful compared to other alternatives, probably won't be unless Rogue becomes more weapon-based.
Skulking Geist will dust it
If only Gorehowl is a Ro.... wait a minute
Swashburglar (on Warrior) , RNGesus gave me this weapon...
it can ._.
I just love the card, maybe I can make oil rogue viable again in wild :P
So I'm assuming this refreshes the durability when it goes back to your hand? So you can use it on a 1-durability weapon and then play it again. Definitely an interesting design, don't think it's strong in rogue though
Seems like a very situational card honestly. You probably cant play more than 1 Assassin's Blade in one game, and there aren't many good weapons to get back with this one...
Most of the time you will get your Wicked Knife back...
And with the new Shadowblade its basicly 4mana deal 6 (2 times 3, after you replay it for 3 mana), which isnt bad, but its the only weapon you want to use it with really...
Edit: Okay, it's decent with Perdition's Blade too. You basicly deal 6 dmg for 4 mana, (3 times 2)
Rogue seems so cool in this expansion
Because it is.
was playing rogue before it was cool :)
Efficient single target removal that acts like card draw and avoids excessive face damage? Plus it's good for combo cards and Gadgetzan Auctioneer? This card is fantastic!
It's like a tiny Blade Flurry but you get the weapon back. For 1 mana, that's value!
A worse shield slam. 1 star.
this is pretty good because from what I understand effects like poisonous and lifesteal will actually work with it. Plus you get your weapon back so you can play it again.