Crowd Favorite
Card Text
Whenever you play a card with Battlecry, gain +1/+1.
Flavor Text
The crowd ALWAYS yells lethal.
Card Sounds
Whenever you play a card with Battlecry, gain +1/+1.
The crowd ALWAYS yells lethal.
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his death sound should've been: One damage off.... lethal.
Daring Reporter common but Crowd Favorite epic lmao #evolution
Build around cards are usually epic or legendary because it needs a build around. Blubber Baron is also an epic.
I wonder if this guy is worth a second look now that MSOG is out. He might work well in a hand buff deck.
He has the downside of having to be played before getting buffed, but in return his stats are much better than Blubber Baron to begin with.
Different universe but this guy reminds me of the typical pre-heresy Emperor's Children Legionnaire.
That fucking self-satisfied, smug look on his face reflects the Peacocks of the Third Legion perfectly. Also Pauldrons.
Just got this guy from an Unstable Portal. Single handedly won me the game because I had 2 Azure Drake and a Dr. Boom in hand. He got to 7 attack and allowed me to Fireball twice with 1 Azure Drake on the board for a total of 25 damage on turn 8.
I built a whole deck around this guy... it just so happens a lot of the cards in dragon warrior have battlecry and it only takes a little tweaking in order to pull it off. If you are able to get him to stick on the board then every turn he will get bigger and bigger as all of the other minions in the deck have battlecery. The deck itself is really fun and it can contend with most agro and midrange decks and if you get into the late-game you've pretty much already won.
This card is undervalued, in my humble opinion. It's weakest turn is the turn it comes out, and when it does come out, the opponent is forced to address it. Sure there's swipe, and a lot of cheap mage spells, but a card that wastes enemy control and mana pays for itself. If the opponent doesn't target it, this card is going to become a nightmare of the late game, Synergies include Doctor Boom, Nefarion, and it even makes playing cards like healbot and azure drake less of a tempo loss than they are. If a face hunter ignores it, he may find himself regretting the choice, as it grows and becomes a taunt as the rival plays strictly defensive and healing cards. It just needs to survive two turns of playing battle cries to make that junction of a mid game drop capable of taking down a late game minion with the last of it's health.
You say all! dude,this plus Argus or Shattered Sun Cleric is beautiful *:*
Try this in dragon decks. All the battlecries synergize beautifully with this puppy.
Just stumbled onto this tonight. Awesome stuff.
1 mana more than Questing Adventurer for +2/+2 and a much weaker effect. Still, since he's just a little bit below the curve, he stands up better on his own than the Adventurer, which dies pretty much immediately if unprotected. Decent in Arena, perhaps not completely unplayable in Constructed.
This is one hell of an awesome flavour text reference to the usual twitch chat idiocy - love it!
I believe he even says, "I have lethal" when clicking on him.
To get best value from this card, look especially into 2 and 3 mana battlecry cards so you can play two of them on turn 5 for double buff and thus making this thing huge fast, while still maintaining ability to contest the board on earlier turns if needed, which will make it hard for the opponent to instakill the Crowd Favorite with minions.
For example, build your deck to allow sequences like this: Shielded Minibot -> Aldor Peacekeeper -> Crowd Favorite -> Youthful Brewmaster (target the peacekeeper) + Aldor Peacekeeper
Glaivezooka Synergy
This card is actually looking good with all these Battlecry: Joust cards introduced yesterday.
It all comes down to whether this minion is played before Shredder or afterward: If Shredder is played first, well that's just bad for you. But if this minion is played first, then it will be better then Shredder in the sense that it can survive Shredder Combat.
I dont see why Dr. Boom being nerfed would increase this card playability. If anything, its would be a slight nerf to this card also, cause one of the most widely played battelcry minions would be out of the meta.
YEAH!!! Time for me to make a battle cry deck... No terrible idea :(
Turn 4 Crowd Favorite, into turn 5 Silver Hand Knight is going to be so sick in arena.