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Just got a golden launcher. Hello Ultimate Infestation!
I found that the card was alright with pirates. 4 charges on this weapon means it'll last a long time; cards like Naga Corsair greatly improve the damage output of this. Even with this synergy, I only ran one (though to be fair, I only had one) and then used Eagle Horn Bow with a bunch of secrets. Between the three weapons, I could just about guarantee always having a weapon. Again, the deck was decent, not ground-breaking. Still, maybe using this with pirates and beasts instead of secrets could be interesting.
This card would be a lot better at 3 or 4 mana, 5 is painfully slow for Hunter.
If only this costs 3, it would be much better
But it doesn't, so it's another bad filler card
For 3 it would be played in evey hunter deck, no? 4 seems far more reasonable, similar to a charged hammer.
Now, if those piranhas had charge we would be talking of a legendary weapon... sadly with its effect it's by far the worst hunter weapon released.
After reading all the comments here I am up 200 dust XD
Haven't launched any piranhas with it yet, just launched salt when I opened it in a pack and launched dust shortly thereafter.
I opened about 10 new packs and they only had 3 epics.... 3x Piranha Launcher. just WHY?
only 3 epics? the average chance at an epic is about 1 in 5 packs, so you got 1.5 times as many epics as the average 10 packs.
In my whole pack opening of 26 cards I only opened 4 epics..
Just won a game vs jade rogue bcos i "discovered" this card with grimestreet even though im hunter.
He played sylvanis vs my empty board, i swing his face and kill command it lol.
Even the golden animation is bad
Golden version not working?
So for everyone saying this card is bad because it's too slow, you're right. But there's one important thing to keep in mind. The Grimestreet Informant can discover cards from all 3 classes. That means you could end up getting this card in warrior, where you can use it as an execute activator, or paladin, where you can combo it with equality for a slow board wipe. It's important to note that by putting this card in hunter instead of warrior or paladin, they've made it so those classes can't build decks with this card, but they can discover it. So while it is extremely slow in hunter, that's not actually the case for warrior and paladin. It's very comparable to tentacles for arms in terms of game speed, but it's actually marginally faster. Just some food for thought.
Well I guess the proof's in the pudding, isn't it? Turns out Grimestreet Informant kinda sucks too, but it's still the most efficient triclass discover card, and in control decks, having situational cards is never really bad, so the discover mechanic is just better than average.
I've done this a couple months ago:
Gimme my credits, Brode! xD
Is this good? I don't know, I'm not a pro player.
Is it HILARIOUS? Yes. Absolutely.
If you haven't highmane, congrats you have 2 highmane for now! Because it's free 100 dust.
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