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good bye, gloom stag
even tho i dont have you as a card (thanks stonehill defender)
Spirit of the Raptor gives this card a reason to actually be played, I hope.
Just realized I've never seen him played, I don't even know what his battlecry sounds like...
This card is honestly pretty bad, considering that even the few Druid Baku decks that do exist (for which the card was intended) don't even choose to run it.
"Oh noeeees, he played a gloom stag?!? i'm boned!! fuck!"
phrases that were never said in a hearthstone game
He's only Gloom Stag when he forgets to take his meds.
Hard to imagine a Druid without Wild Growth, Swipe, Oaken Summons/Ironwood Golem, Spreading Plague, or Ultimate Infestation. Will need a lot of support to make Odd Druid a thing. Maybe with a few more expansions or another rotation?
IMO this card isn't strong enough to make odd druid good, especially compared to murkspark eel and black cat.
anti toggwaggle synergy -400 points
Pretty solid by itself when it gets the effect off. All depends on if Odd-druid is a thing.
Exactly. This is an above average card if odd-druid is good, but otherwise this card is weak. However, it might not even be good enough to make it into an odd-druid deck. Feels similar to the way some C'Thun cards worked. Almost good enough to run in a C'Thun deck, but typically better cards ended up replacing some.
I mean every midrange/lategame druid gonna run UI right? So only aggro type druid will use this card, which is kinda hard considering its harder to curve out without having even manacost cards.
So i guess this card is just too weak. Would have made more sense if druid had even manacost synergy.
Great stats, but doesn't feel worth it to lose Wild Growth, Swipe or UI.
This epic card with no evens in your deck, OR
Fen Creeper -1/-2, a Classic, classless common card
If you wanted a Taunt Druid deck you would lose Strongshell Scavenger, Shellshifter, Grizzled Guardian, and Spreading Pla- OK I'm out...
TLDR you lose Ult Infestation and Spreading Plague. NOPE.jpg
Also it synergizes with upgraded Hero Power, which on druid is... decent.
We have already a 4/7 Beast with Taunt, this ones gives you one more Health if your deck has even-cost cards.
Rate: -4626252
Now Ixlid, Fungal Lord is gonna throw a Stag Party.
5 mana 4/4 with taunt only if you have odd cards. how is this good?
nvm 4/8 lol i misread the card
In addition, Druid of the Claw give you the flexibility of choice the charge option.