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Golden looks awesome. But disenchant it just now:)
The symbol of Gadgetzan.
Sword of Justice is far better
I agree to disagree with this now 2-and-a-half-year-old post lol. Getting to swing for 2 is very nice, and you may not want to be flooding your deck with weenies which is the only way Sword of Justice is powerful. SoJ can't buff the same minion more than once either, which the gloves can very easily do. Also you can't tutor it with Forge of Souls because Paladin so there is that.
A bit slow for the damage but I think this will still be played
Providing 2 damage and no board presence on turn 4 is pretty rough. There is theoretical value if you get the 3 buff charges to go off and they hit significant minions in your hand. Most 4 drops having 4-5 health means you will be only responding to 1 mana -2 mana drops on average the first turn you play it. Maybe more cards are revealed in the set that support this style of play but currently the tempo loss and lack of impact make this card pretty bad.
And that's how I punched Deathwing in the face! =D
I think this card is going to be played actually. Warrior are do have quite a few weapons in their arsenal but the 4 mana slot is always IMO the most essential weapon of them all. I feel like this card is worth more in stats then Arathi Weaponsmith since it give the same 3/3 stats over 3 turn but has 1 more charge of attack.
But if the cards like Bloodsail Cultist can buff it up or even better like mentioned before the [card]Grimestreet Pawnbroker[/card] going to put in some serious work. The buffing of the minions will help them gain tempo in the next turns like playing cards Alley Armorsmith to get some armor and clear some midrange minions in the process or even Bloodhoof Brave as a 3/7 or even 4/8 of you get lucky with the second buff of Brass Knuckleswith the buff of the card.
If the meta slows down the more value this card gets being able to clear small minions and giving a possible 3/3 worth of stats back to your hand.
Could be useful in arena.
this card is perfect in mid range or control but bad in aggro decks
100 DUST lol
Sick artwork!
Good Arena card (unfortunatly it's epic) but not worth it in constructed deck
worst shit evah
The most polite and least lethal exchange in a comments section. Ever. Well done.
Buffing this with Grimestreet Pawnbroker is pretty good, but In terms of competitive play who knows.
You know, I could've sworn it was hammers that were usually made out of Thorium.