Nagrand Slam

Card Text
Summon four 3/5 Clefthoofs that attack random enemies.
Flavor Text
Come on and slam, and welcome to Nagrand!
Summon four 3/5 Clefthoofs that attack random enemies.
Come on and slam, and welcome to Nagrand!
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this card is fcking broken op hate it
You know what, I take it back.
10-mana 12 damage Charge is just perfect for my Even Hunter deck.
Thanks, Blizzard!
Best flavor text
Only good against treants and low cost minions...if they don't all hit face.
By the time you get to turn 10...the minions on deck are likely to be much bigger than 3/5's. The fact that there are 4 of them doesn't make me feel better about using them for 10 mana, but will make things interesting when it gets used by a different class.
Blizzard seems to like to make cards that swing the turns really far one way or another all by random chance.
'Random enemy minions' would solve everything, but nooooo....
"We need to stop printing charge; people hate losing out of nowhere like that."
"How about we give death hunters a card that turns off the taunt rule?"
"How about we give hunters a card that does more face damage than Pyroblast?"
That said, this is a big kick in the guts to control, who may be more than happy to sit on empty vs empty boards for a while. All of a sudden, opponent gets a big board from one card and deals 12 damage to your face.
With these clefthooves I'm reminded of the Hemet Nesingwary quest, hopefully he makes a return in this set.
On an empty board this is essentially a 10 mana 12/20 worth of stats that does 12 to face.... or they could all slam into a deathwing and that was 10 mana clear a deathwing... or we could just cheat the mana out.
You would be lucky to get all to hit Deathwing
The chance that that happens is 1 in 16 (6,25%) (If Deathwing is the only minion)
Come on and slam and welcome to Nagrand