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I prefer taking this over Boulderfist Ogre. Niche situations to hit face for 6 damage is more powerful than 1 health in many situations.
<3 This card
Leatherclad? So she's a pig wearing a cow?
I appreciate the fact they looked at the art concept and thought
"Yes, this literal pig-woman has appropriately sized breasts."
this card is insane in arena if your opponent has a slow hand.
Reminds me of the gold old Duke Nukem 3D :)
Will we start seeing more of this now that handlock and other reno control decks are popping up? especially with hand pumping mechanics.
When the effect triggers, the card actually shakes and releases some smoke like an engine turning on. I really like the detail.
Why compare this to Goblin Sapper? Goblin Sapper required your opponent to keep 6 cards even after you played it. This cards only needs the requirement met once
Battlecry: If your opponent has 6 or more cards in hand, get Triggered.
Seems very Strong and Independent.
Well the Polih version of this card is much better (Battlecry: If your opponent has 6 or
moreless cards in hand, gain Charge.)But really change that error Blizzard PL.
Any control deck is going to have 6 cards in hand (Priest, Warrior, Rogue, Druid), mages also have plenty of cards. Any Pro game I've watched they always have more than 6 cards for most of the game. If the meta shifts from Aggro to Control, this card will be in a lot of decks. If it buffs from Don Han'Cho, you have an OTK minion. Windfury.
The funny thing will be watching games where they drop an 11/11 game winning Leatherclad Hogleader
its a 2nd n 3rd leeroy
People compare this to Goblin Sapper, but I think this might be a tad better. One of the problems of the old crazy Goblin was that once he was played, the opponent would start playing cards to be under the hand-size threshold. However, this lady has her effect as battlecry, meaning if she is played meeting the condition, you're enemy instantly suffers the weight of her bike and her bacon in the form of 6 damage.
Still, she won't see play outside gimmicky mill decks.
At least we get 100 dust when we disenchant this trash
Feminist Hogleader
Has no one thought about the possibilities with Mill Decks?
I did.
i can't wait to play mill rouge in wild with one! xD