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The worst animation :(
This gives Warlock even more chances to trade and sacrifice low health minions for the attack buff. I kinda love this card.
In wild with Power Overwhelming . You buff a minion, get the value, then destroy it and get the value of trading again instantly. I would play this in zoo. Sometimes there's a few taunts blocking face.
Oh good, now Warlock can kill their possessed lackey, get a voidlord out AND develop a 4/4 that can trade straight away.
Warlock was really struggling and needed this. Thanks Blizz.
And they can kill their Carnivorous Cube, summon two Doomguard and develop a 6/8 that can trade right away. Hope it pleases you bro :)
Huh. That's just kind of incredible. Even without crazy toxic cubelock nonsense, this thing can be used after value trading a minion to then convert that minion's stats into more removal/a semi-survivable body. This card's spooky.
Mike Donais: Yo, Ben!Feeling playful?Wanna troll these monkas?
Ben: F*ck yeah! What do you have in mind?
Mike Donais: You know about the best deck in the meta?I wanna make it even stronger for shit and giggles. But i don't know what to give them,removal or a way to proc their deathrattles?
The Art in this expansion has been fucking amazing ! Holy Shit
soo... it's just a void terror? that can rush. i am unsure about this... i mean in the past we never had meta decks use the destroy your own minion mechanic really used... i mean Void terror sees no play and never have really...
though with that said this card might be also crazy if you use it on say.. specific demons like.. Voidlord, and this turns into a 5/11 with rush and pretty much kills anything it crashes into, skull out the voidlord... ractcatcher it yeah.. that would work out really well. they woul dhave to get through 3 taunts to get to the 5/11
Seems like a superior version of Void Terror to me. Everyone is saying Cubelock but is it better than Prince Taldaram?
I LOVE the art for this card
cubelock can use it now u actually make use of the rin or cube stats another use would be glinda rush 2/2 -> rush 4/# -> rush 6/#
Deathrattle zoo, cubelock... It might be okay-ish as additional removal.
Could be another add with the cube decks.
Cube GG
The art work seriously reminds me of Richard the Warlock of LFG comic fame.
Ancient Watcher is my first thought.