Tree of Life
Card Text
Restore all characters to full Health.
Flavor Text
Healing: It grows on trees!
Restore all characters to full Health.
Healing: It grows on trees!
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I love this card for existing. This is Reno Jackson without the highlander restriction, y'all don't see the vision.
Druids don't care about mana anyway.
Has anyone ever noticed that play of this card can lead to a bug? Was playing Mill Rogue in Wild today vs a Jade / Arcane Giant Druid. After I had dropped my N'Zoth to lengthen the play and both of us were getting closer to fatigue the druid played Tree of Life, both of us died instantly and the game ended in a Defeat / Draw?
Yes, you are right this is what happened. I spoke to the guy after sending him a friend request and he said he just could not resist instagibbing both of us. ^_^
the real question here, how can a druid get an auchenai
Has anyone else noticed this cards disappearance since the launch of Un'Goro today??
It moved to the wild set
Wow all this time I was scared of this showing up in Standard when it rotated out a year ago...
Next to Reno Jackson this is the most troll card in the game
Combo with Auchenai Soulpriest.
Ok i need to put this here to many times have i seen new players fuck up with this some how (iceblock will save me at times tho) You do not i say again DO NOT use this card while you have a soul preist you will kill your self 100% and maybe your opponent
Certain tavern brawls enable it and I guess you can thought steal the tree of life. Idk why you would have iceblock in druid though, probably brawl.
It's the only spell for 9 mana so far.
Call of the Wild says hello in a couple days
This card is too good against hunters, love it.
I see no tree...
That's a giant ass treant...Oh I suppose.
Why no sound file on this one? Love that sound.
This card is amazing lol
I missplayed versus a Druid. I could have killed him, but I attacked the wrong enemy and left him with 1 HP...
And he used Tree of Life...
"Well played", he said.
Then, he conceded.
I'm still searching that druid so I can marry him.