Ancestor's Call
Card Text
Put a random minion from each player's hand into the battlefield.
Flavor Text
"Hey! Ancestors!" - Ancestor's call
Put a random minion from each player's hand into the battlefield.
"Hey! Ancestors!" - Ancestor's call
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this card's text should change to put your lowest cost minion on to the board, because that is what have happend to me every singel game. i have Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound in my hand but it had to pull out barnes...
Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound -> Soggoth the Slitherer seems like a great outcome, though it should be noted that this will be up against everything else in Wild.
Icehowl is another one of my favorite hand-to-board results from casting this. 4 mana 10/X and you clear nearly every symmetrically summoned minion while denying the battlecry.
I really hope this can all come together soon.
Today I played this card in the Brawl Tavern, it was a spell received from Nefarian's hero power. It dropped a minion onto opponents side, but failed to drop one on mine. I still had 12 cards in the deck so the odds of having no more minions is pretty slight. Anybody else have an issue?
You drop a minion from hand, not from deck. If player have no minion in hand - nothing will be dropped (works for you and for your opponent).
The sole reason to use this is to make your HUGE 8+ mana minion cheaper, while this minion is the only one in your hand.
Yep... I got the card again a day later and realized my mistake... I only had spells in hand. DOH!
This card can be good in a right deck and if you play it right. I'm talking about [card]Ancestral Spirit[/card]+[card]Reincarnate[/card] combo deck. It allows you to put 8-10 mana minion on turn8 and do this combo, or turn6+reincarnate with reincarnate-specific cards, like [card]Kel'Thuzad[/card], [card]Sylvanas Windrunner[/card] or [card]Sneed's Old Shredder[/card].
Second thing to notice is your opponent puts card too. That may seem bad, that may BE bad. But sometimes it's awesome. Getting rid of charge minions on my turn, or loosing battlecry minion should be painful for your opponent. And by the time this card may see play, enemy might have no minions at all.
Worst part of this card is constrictions it put on deck, and worst part being shaman, who don't fit those. You may take small number of low-cost minions to throw them fast and clear your hand from them, and high-cost minions to put them with Ancestor's Call, but you need to fill the gap with spells then. And shaman spells use overload mechanics, which constricts you really hard when you are at 8-10 mana and trying to put your 8-10 mana minions. You either don't drop proper removal and die or waste entire turn not being able to cast big minion. Not to mention spells aren't really that great, you have only one AoE. Right now I'm trying to make it work by adding taunts to make deck slower, but it adds additional minions I don't want to put from hand, so I must throw them all first and only then I can cast Ancestor's Call.
do you like golden animation?
So why exactly is he being downvoted? He literally just said he likes the card. Whats wrong with that?
I'm thinking about some nice combos... like Mekgineer Thermaplugg + Lightning Storm or Al'Akir the Windlord + Flametongue Totem + Rockbiter Weapon on turn 7.
alakir + flame tongue + rockbiter is bad. with 7 mana you can also do doomhammer + rockbiter * 2 to do the same damage, and your opponent don't play a minion.
also ancestor's call out a flame tongue = RIP
Cheating things into play needs to gain you tempo - that is the whole point, but if your opponent can put into play even a 4 cost minion for free, then you need to put into play a minion that costs 8 just to break even. On top of this, you spent 2 cards to do this. Because of this tempo loss and card advantage loss, the minion you put into play has to catch you back up immediately. I don't even think Ysera is good enough - it would have to be something with charge. The last thing you want to do is let your opponent cast Hex or Polymorph or another spell while benefiting for their random minion - which again, does not have summoning sickness. I think it's a tall order to make this card good, and it will be relegated to funny reddit posts and youtube videos.
Unlike magic, hearthstone disables battlecry when you cheat things into play, which means that all of the crazy effects that one could gain with Show and Tell will never be possible with Ancestor's Call in Hearthstone. It's just not the same card. Maybe when cards have crazy end-of-turn effects that actually do something significant, this card will mean something, but I don't see any cards that have this kind of effect in Hearthstone that you'd want to cheat into play.
I've always treated this card as "Force your opponent to play something they"
I actually assumed that Death Knights would be in the game and that 'Death Grip' would behave a similar way.
The power of this card lies in playing with your opponent's hand, not cheating your own hand out early.
This card is absolutely INSANE! You could pull out a Rag or Malygos. Rag will get his attack off at the end of the turn so no worries. Malygos with a 1 manna lightning bolt in your had and you pull out one of their big cards. goodbye. Earth Elemental for no big overload. Only two manna more to Ancestral Spirit. At turn 10 Malygos it for four manna Faceless Manipulator for five more and a one manna 13 damage lightning bolt. So many possibilities. Plus you pull out their great card and it's battlecry is gone. Harrison Jones, Alextraza, faceless mainipulator, no problem!
It's really not that insane. It will not be consistent. Giving your opponent tempo and card advantage is usually not a recipe for a winning game. So many things have to go right for you for this to work. Remember, innervating a Rag on turn 4 sounds good, but your opponent also likely got something as well, and it will likely only take 1 or 2 cards from his deck to deal with your minion. The only cards that make sense are things like Rag, and that's just a 1-of. There are not many good targets for this card yet to make a consistent strategy around it.
Controlling your opponent's hand as well as their board?
Shaman hype
Comparing this to Mind Games ( Mind Games ) , this sucks.
They both suck
Mmm a little diesspointed with this one but still has some uses. Could be fun!
Just a bad Show and Tell lol, but........ Alarm-o-bot+Ancestor'sCall+BigThings.dek