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Why does he have a peg leg? Trolls can regen limbs.
Fashion choice
this card is just too slown to see any play. But in a future expansion if rogue gets a decent board clear+heal to support a more control oriented archetype this might see play.
Infinite value!
Completely agree. This along with Spirit of the Shark is amazingly awesome!
man.. If this was a pirate I'd feel so much better about pirate rogue. It still might not be great, but I'd at least think it could be tier 3 or even tier 2. As it is, pirate rogue will probably just be a fringe tier 4 deck that maybe sees play for memes
I don't know why they think a 5/7 with rush summoned from an 8-mana 6/3 is such a huge problem, but I guess that's how it is.
Not like this would see much more play as a pirate either
On turn 8 you could play the spirit, then on 9 you could discover 2 1/1 battlecries, play them and have 4 battlecries trigger. You could also add in cheat death, shadowstep, and sonya to make it more consistent. Tess Greymane...
Looks like pirate, but he isn't:/
Not sure in which deck this card fits. Overall, not too bad, but not too strong. Dont think it will see play, other than the first days of testing.
1 mana Gral, 5/7 is pretty good for him to eat as well. Also 1 cost for late game combo activators... interesting to say the least.
I'm putting two of these in my Yogg deck. All praise!
This to get High Priest Thekal... lolz
It's a rogue card so that doesn't work.
Carnivorous Cube
Beard, bandanna, earrings, tattoos, wooden leg, uniform cuffs, leather vest... sorry mate - still not enough to be a pirate :(
You can only get neutral or own class cards, that's how the Discover mechanic works.
Oh i guess you meant you can discover Tess itself? Lol that would be neat!
Damaged Stegotron, Witchwood Grizzly and Injured Blademaster