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it's weird that if you give this +1 attack it is acutually a nerf to the card
What about Soul Infusion? I played against a warlock recently and Mind Vision'ed his Infusion. I used it on my test subject but was not able to see if it was returned because the game ended.
Most OTKs: Opponent gets their combo together, you concede
Test Subject OTK: Opponent gets their combo together, opponent fucks up their combo, opponent concedes
This card needs to get nerfed immediately. The Priest OTK combos that are coming from this is becoming a problem.
Not this card deserves a nerf. Stonetusk Boar deserve.
Actually upon further review, neither card needs a nerf.
Radiant Elemental is the card that needs to get nerfed. It's the one that allows Priests to do this broken combo to begin with.
difference between Primalfin Champion ?
this needs a lot of support LUL
As Test Subject, you can try to use buffs and spells on him.
In the worst case you get all the spells back and you can try again on another Test Subject.
Viable spells: Power Word: Shield, Divine Spirit, Extra Arms, Unidentified Elixir, Holy Fire, Topsy Turvy, Inner Fire, Vivid Nightmare
It is also perfect for Awaken the Makers
I'd never run this in any Awaken the Makers list. Only because it has Deathrattle doesn't make it perfect for the Quest.
Maybe, anyway I show how to use the card. :-)
Turn 1:
You play this minion
Opponent: Your oponent plays a minion
Turn 2:
You play Power Word: Shield
Your opponent kills your minion
Turn 3:
You just wasted 2 turns and your opponent has a board. but hey. At least you got Power word: Shield again? yay.
Reality: (assuming best case)
a- You play this minion, rogue coin and dagger up, rise and repeat for T2
b- You play this minion, paladin plays Argent Squire. You play PWS and Innerfire, paladin plays Blessing of Might + coin hero power
c- You play this minion, warlock hero power. You play PWS and Innerfire, warlock hero power. You play Unidentifyed Elixir, Warlock plays Mountain Giant
I understand this card is not meant to be played on T1 but why it has to suck so much.
It's terrible. Not the fear of it being silenced, it's just the fact that it's 2 health! It has a bottom text, so why wouldn't I kill it before it does something?
Why wouldn't I kill Mana Tide Totem before it draws my opponent an answer to my board?
Why wouldn't I kill an egg the turn before cube can be played?
All of these trades are free as my minions won't take any damage, even as an aggro deck I would prefer to throw 2 dmg to a trade than to the face this once, it doesn't cost me anything.
Even if someone does cast the whole combo on this, they know the risks of silence and would be a fool to do so. It's a double edged sword, do you want it to be silenced when it has all your cards, or killed while it can't contest the board? In the reveal they even said "You can totally cast your whole divine spirit combo on this and it'll TOTALLY die, returning it all back to your hand." Spoiler: A 12/12 minion does not get killed when it can simply be silenced, sapped, stalled, all the S's, okay?
0/2 stats... just what priest needed, a T1 minion that can't be played on T1. Thanks a lot.
You realise just because it is 1 mana doesn't mean you have to play it turn 1, right? It's a combo card to allow you to double your buff spells, if you want a 1-drop play Northshire Cleric or Dire Mole or the new 1/3 that deals 5 damage to your hero and gains you 5 armor.
yeah, i know. It has some potential to duplicate buff cards through Vivid Nightmare but still no excuse why the statline has to be this poor. Its not like this card would break the meta as a 1/2 body.
Fair, although I think the reason it's 0/2 is because Primalfin Champion is a thing at 2 mana
nothing to see here
Could this be good with Divine Spirit / Inner Fire and then Mirage Caller / Twilight's Call? Hmm...