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well... suddenly this turned into a turn 6-7 win condition with the new warlock questline.
only time this card is op in a rumble run , change my mind
The backfire is kind of over the top painful at 5 health, though the gameplay and deckbuilding challenge is fun.
I think this would have been fine at a 3 or 4 health cost.
This card sucks. Plain and simple.
Changed from "Whenever" to "After" right now.
One of the worsts cards ever printed, period. This card it`s just a win condition for your opponent, you never get value from it, and even worse, if you get this card via RNG, you should concede because of what I said.
This card is the only reason I stopped playing Evolve Shaman, and also for Big-Time Racketeer.
While this is on opponent side, Bran + Leeroy +shadow step = easy 52 damage xD
This card will probably kill you if you play Bloodreaver Gul'dan.
In this game I was playing as Shaman, at a certain moment I had a board with 6 minions and decided to drop Thrall, Deathseer. One of the just-evolved dudes turned out to be Unlicensed Apothecary, which already I wasn't super happy to see, but then he proceeded to deal 5 times 5 = 25 dmg to my face. Luckily my life total was high enough to survive, but jeez! Could have been a spectacular suicide, lol.
Now, the text says "Whenever you summon a minion"... it could be argued that those minions weren't newly summoned, but only transformed by evolution. But even if those are treated as summons, why was the apothecary considered to be the 1st one to be summoned, so he dealt max damage? Anyway, I don't know if this is working as intended, maybe it is... but certainly it didn't feel fair ;)
Getting fixed soon, my dude!
if you sacrifice Unlicensed Apothecary to Void Terror do you take the 5 damage? Or does void terror resolve before the apothecary triggers?
I don't know but it doesn't trigger after the wording change
this is the best card for your enemy to pull from RNG
seriously, most of the time they just kill themselves or it stops them from playing cards
like, if a deck could consistently give your opponent this card, you could almost make KSY deck with this
Its been said already, but this card will give you the perfect turn 4 lethal.
turn 1- flame imp
turn 2- life tap
turn 3- unliscensed apothecary
turn 4- coin into forbidden summoning for a nice round 30 damage to your face, for a perfect lethal
your oponent will die laughing.
This card does wonders with Forbidden Ritual on Turn 6.
OMG so I'm playing in the tavern brawl where you play as an adventure boss, and I'm lady Naz'jar. My minions switch and i get this card. my health is down to 8, and my opponent is laughing. my opponent gets this card with a full field, and they die. WHO IS LAUGHING NOW!
So I was playing. My paladin deck. You know, the legendary one that totally rocks except for all those random events that clearly only happen to me and nobody else that lead to me losing games that I really deserve to win because I'm the best and stuff and thus I slide down several ranks from my true rank. You know, that deck, in which I start playing games and set up the most epic combos before the internet dies and I lose connection and slide down a few ranks from my deserved legendary rank. You, know that one deck i run sometimes in which I manage to put together combos so intricate that the rope runs out before I am even half way done my 3rd turn and then I lose as a result and slide down a few ranks? You know, that legendary deck of mine.
Anyways, there I am at rank 20. I am playing a mage. You know, that class that I always beat except for when weird unorthodox things happen that only happen ones per syzygy. Those real odd rare events that keep me from progressing to the legendary status we all know I truly embody. But anyway.
So there was I. With a great board. I don't remember what board I had, but I promise you, it was a great board. The best board. And I had lethal. Obviously she was sporting an ice block but no problem cause I am the proud owner of an Eater of Secrets. I mean what legendary deck would be without one?
So there we were around turn 7 or something, and the Eater of Secrets would turn out to be the 27th card in my deck. No biggie. Let the ice block activate, who cares, I'm a legend. Let that mage Reno on her next turn. Legendary decks like mine don't even notice that type of thing, you know?
So fast forward a little later. She has 2 minions one of which is down to 2 health and she has no hand. I have a stone. What type of stone? A Summoning Stone. The best summoning stone. So I, clever as we know I am, decide to play my Wild Pyromancer followed by the Polymorph: Boar I had coerced her Spellslinger to sling me. You see, after playing that she would have two 1-health minions. Then I could finish them off in the most spectacular fashion by playing my Silvermoon Portal on my stone thus making it even greater than it already was, whilst also summoning two more minions.
But! Alas, my summoning stone had pulled an unlicensed apothecary!!!!
I looked at the apothecary, then at my stone, then back at the apothecary, then at my silvermoon, then at the apothecary then at the Murloc Knight in my hand, then at the apothecary, then at my Tournament Medic then at my hero power, then back at the apothercary.
What had Gadgetzan wrought??!!
I eventually somehow traded my stone before using hammer of wrath against my own frozen apothecary. The mage proceeded through her deck into fatigue. My Eadric the Pure did what it could. But the damage had been done. The apothecary was the real MVP that day. But on the wrong team.
This is pretty much my favorite comment ever.
You get my upvote, sir!
Double down on the best Hearthstone comment ever! I knew it five sentences in.
Here's the thing, tho: Unlicensed Apothecary is NOT a late game card (as I have learned in the worst possible way). It's a card you play on T3 with a Demonfire, if you also have a decent 2- or 3-drop Taunt) or Bloodfury Potion in hand for T4, if you'd rather save the Demonfire for something else, like a removal. One of two things will happen to your opponent, they will either play a 2- or 3- drop taunt as a stalling tactic, so no prob for UA. Or, they will search in vain for something strong to remove it, burning Mana/Coin, and doing you both an immense favor, but esp. you. One risk I frequently make with it is to pull it off the board with Ancient Brewmaster, triggering the 5-life hit and replacing it with a 5/4, instead. If you do that late game, make sure your wincon involves Lord Jaraxxus and don't summon UA again that game. The better late game option is to let your opponent flood the board with snoozing minions and then AOE with Shadowflame. Who needs to waste a slot on Hellfire when this will basically clear their board and still leave you some spending power and any Taunt you've played earlier, like Voidwalker and Tar Creeper.