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I REALLY want to craft this card (i do play some wild) to be that degenerate that Plays weasel priest,only problem Is that i'm missing n'zoth,herald (don't know if it's necessary) and Cube,do you think it's worth It? (I don't really care about the Power level,i want a deck to annoy the fuck out of the opponent but i hate mill strats)
Huh... greetings
Weasel quest rogue completely broken kappa
His time has come
This card is surprisingly good in Control Mage. With Frost Lich Jaina out, your opponent can't play your weasels back at you.
Throw in a couple of duplication effects and your opponent ends up with a hand full of useless cards.
Using this card is like carrying a pile of shit along with you so to dump it on your opponents, and let them do the same for you.
N'Zoth counter Kappa
My god... I think this card might ACTUALLY be viable in an "All-1-Drop-Beast" Hunter deck with Dinomancy!
I am playing this in my Malygos Shaman to win Heal Jousts
Ah, but is it really OP?
Yes. This is a clever weasel, a double-agent even. Never doubt the weasel.
I'm really mad at Brode and the rest of the team this is just pure Dr.Boom power creep
I tried this card in the double deathrattle brawl, expecting it to put two of them into the opponent's deck, but instead, it looks like it put two in my own deck? huh?
because deathrattle is triggered twice, it tunnels back to your deck. Same thing happens when you have Baron Rivendare on board and your Weasel Tunneler dies.
This Weasel Tunneler is a troll in itself. This and its stupid interaction with other minions or spells like Moat Lurker and Scavenging Hyena. There are so many screwed up interactions this card has, I think I was being punished to play it.
This dude was playing deathrattle decks with the weasel and it seems to have some broken interactions
TotalBiscuit approves of this card.
As people said this is useful in paladin but I made a trolly deck with it just for giggles
I believe Weasel Tunneler belongs into the new coming Eboladin deck since you have the draw engine (Divine Favor, Small-Time Recruits) to afford to draw that shit, buff it with the Grimy goons to force opponent trades and to screw Reno Jackson / no duplicate Kabal decks. Hell, you could even duplicate them with Getaway Kodo or even Redemption and completely fuck your opponent deck.
i like the way you think. I drew 2 of these buggers and was wondering whether i was screwed or not. But may actually work i hope :X
I don't know why, but this card reminds me of Carl the Llama