Card Text
Secret: When an enemy casts a spell on a minion, summon a 1/3 as the new target.
Flavor Text
While it's fun to intercept enemy lightning bolts, a spellbender much prefers to intercept opposing Marks of the Wild. It just feels meaner. And blood elves... well, they're a little mean.
Want to use this from Magic Trick against token druid. Don´t work... he buffs his tokens and dont procs secret. Well its only work for single target spell i think.
Just cockblocked my opponents Molten Reflection. He played exodia. Conceded.
Who got to keep the duplicate Spellbender?
What happens if your opponent casts Dark Wispers with Fandral Staghelm on the board? Does he get the wisps and you get the buff? or do you get the wisps too?
Hello there Dinosize
I have yet to get a dinosize with it, but seems like in 1/3rd or so of the games I play secret mage against paladin, my single spellbender manages to get Spikeridged Steed. Not sure I've lost a game yet when that happened.
When a Priest wastes a Circle of Healing to try to pop that Counterspell, and then thinks he can Mind Control or Entomb your Arch-Mage Antonidas. This card's biggest strength is the surprise factor. Nobody plays safe after their 0 mana spells aren't countered (even better, when they are, but there is still another secret, Spellbender + Counterspell).
Even though I don't have it, its value is incredible when you get it from Jeweled Scarab or Ethereal Conjurer, especially vs Paladins and Priests.
My fav spell to bend is still Entomb though. Nothing better to keep the enemy's Cabal Shadow Priest or Holy Nova a bit further down, just so they can draw a worthless 1/3.
This card is like Hearthstone's version of Deflection from MTG. Wouldn't mind if they could come up with HS versions of other cool blue MTG cards like Arcane Denial or Force of Will.
Anti-Entomb. Enjoy your own 1/3 elf, priests. And leave my Archmage Antonidas to where he belongs.
Is this card considered trash tier in constructed or something? Or does nobody craft it so nobody knows that it is better than counter spell ?
This card just saved me in arena by stealing a Paladin's Seal of Champions. That with me trading an Anubisath Destroyer and playing Mirror Image set me up to kill over the next 2 turns after I had basically lost the board, Feelsgoodman...
this and blessing of kings is pretty amazing :D
3 mana 6/8 taunt*
but... how do you like golden animation?
With the GvG cards, I'm really enjoying this card now. +1 attack to minion, my 2/3 tyvm. SURE, it's not really mana efficient to get a 2/3 for 3 mana. But the point is you also subtracted +1 attack from one of your opponents minions, and he wastes 1 mana for it all. So think of it more like a net gain of 3/3 for 2 mana - and that starts to sound not bad at all.
Also, it still has potential to block assassinates and executes. I'm running it in a hobgoblin deck, so I can even echo the minion and it works really well for me.
Its only weakness is that it can't counter AOE spells, and that's a big one.
Basically a worse counterspell.
it can summon you a minion and get buffed from the enemy or protect one of your more valued minions. only drawback is it wont stop a spell smashing your face in.
i wouldent say worse than counter spell, its just more situatinal
Right. being able to receive a free Blessing of Kings from ur enemy is obviously bad. Right?
Not only that, but the Spellbender is summoned on the opponent's turn so it's ready to receive more buffs and go face as soon as it's your turn.