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this is a 4 mana 3/5 and after attacked face transform into a 1/1
such a beautiful art wasted on a avg card not strong enough for rank and epic is just too rare in arena
Such beautiful art! Too bad this is one of the most overlooked cards.
I got her from Piloted Sky Golem, and managed to attack too. Guess what? She turned back into another Piloted Sky Golem! I was hoping she would drop out of it again, but the game ended before she could eject.
Say hello to my little friend!
That was golden Lotus Illusionist with a little help of Master of Evolution
Holy this golden art is beatiful
new card for evolve deck , i want make evolve deck when this card comes out , with devolve card too :)
Moonglade Portal all over again
Cool Synergy with windfury effects. Attack and kill something, then go face to transform. Obviously bad, but fun to try.
Dancer of the Boreal Valley ripoff?
Just wanted to say that... Night elves can't be shamans....
in hearthstone , they can , same idea like you can be holy priest as undead forsaken in world of warcraft , or druid play Imp Master or Flesheating Ghoul
And those cards were made neutral for a reason <.< the point is to support archetypes not just break lore "for the lulz" like this card, wich can be ANY of the MANY races with shamans in their races (more than just the playable, where are the furbolg's? The taunka's? The naga's? but nah, lets add a random (may-be druid) night elf for a shaman card :P
there is no way that lore support holy undead forsaken , even they ask deveopler about it in last blizzicon they don't know how to answer
even if they are neutral , it dose not remove the fact thats a warlock summon demons and the other guy undead
P.S world of warcraft already got dead lore anyway so it won't matter that match :P
2. How else can you make neutral cards then? The only option I see is if the card art could change when added to a certain class deck, but that would take extra resources and extra files (considering this game has a mobile version this is terrible). So requiring neutral cards to exist with a defined identity is a lore compromise, this card on the contraire is 100% free to be designed correctly, including it's art.
3. Completely agree, WoW is no longer what the warcraft universe look'd like.
Nah dude, that's obviously the "illusionist" part. That "Night Elf" is really a male Tauren.
Could have been an outstanding card... if only it's neutral...
Boy, the value!
Pretty nice in arena.