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Evolved from 10 cost card.
Heh, well neither can standard shamans... #RIPOverloadAntiAggro (2015-2017) #NerfRecruitManaCheating
That kind of thing happens to me waaay too often.
First 11 Mana minion, if you evolve deathwing, you get it.
Doesn't work with Faceless Behemoth though! Instead, you will hear Ben Brode's all-pervasive laugh followed by the question why you play that card
I don't think you're right Macropod. It will work, just make your minion suck more. Not that there's a difference, and that still comes with the Ben Brode on summon effect :/
"I'd rather pay 4 mana for a 7/7 Flamewreathed Faceless rather than 11 mana for a 8/8 EleGiggle" Reynad August 2017 .
You missed your chance with Naga Sea Witch
you'll be surprised to find out redundancy is a good thing lul
I'm jealous. I was hoping there would be a new neutral giant to add to my golden giant collection, instead Shaman get it;/
just play it with arcane giants too, a lot all of shaman's overload comes in the form of spells and it looks like there may be some new freeze spells coming that might overload. let's see i guess.
I was messing around with an overload shaman in un'goro. finally have something worth building around.
Wow, i can finally evolve my deathwing into an 8/8. Then evolve it into another 8/8. Value town
well the more likely candidate for that evolve in shaman is n'zoth, so that actually is pretty valuable. not only that, but having it be an elemental could be a big deal for future cards that use summoning instead of playing. you never know.
remember that it does sort of heal... Rather have an 8/8 than a 12/3
When do you actually overload mana crystals? Current turn or next one? for example if you play an earth elemental do you reduce the mana cost of the giant immediately or do you have to wait till next turn?
You overload the turn you play the overload card since when you play something like Lava Shock the locks come off the mana crystals the same turn.
Nerf Yogg Saron, Hope's End When it cast Evolve, it'll be transform.
well that might not necessarily be a bad thing considering how bad yogg's body is lol. but yeah, most of the time you get this early on, you're really sad.