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In arena would you keep or mulligan this card?
The initial animation was better :| it was more fluid
Does not expend mana when Counterspell'd
I need to target face.
Golden version looks awesome!
This card very good!! If u think about it there is actually no card that can give Pyroblast for 0 (ZERO) mana points!! Absolutely a crazy card!! Goes strait into my Anomalus aggro/control/animated armor combo. I think wisper of old goshes is very good for the mage character. (I like Jaina the most of mage characters) haha yes!! Mage ftw!
Gorgeous golden animation.
This card basically gives mage 2 more Pyroblasts. 4 Pyroblasts 2 of which that can be used at any point throughout the game, not bound at ten mana plus all the other playable mage spells Fireball Frostbolt etc. Is it just me or is that to much direct damage for one class?
if u use this when u have 0 mana u can get mana wyrm proc which is the only good thing this card is good for. that && getting rid of divine shield
The only use I see for this card is using it for 0 damage just to set off flamewaker or antonidas or demented frost caller. Using all your mana to hit a minion seems kinda pointless. Outside of that there's just better cards to spend the mana on.
this card needs to do at least half damage to face, otherwise its worthless.
Just like pyro blast but more flexible.
Arena 5 out 10
Normal 8 out 10
Well, you can't target the face with it.
Would be insane if it can be used against hero.
Great Versatility - But I wouldn't use 2
People keep saying it's trash, it's beat big time damage wise by things like flame lance but the point of this card is flexibility, you can play out your turn and leave 1-10 mana depending on your situation and deal with a minion with pretty much exact damage instead of to say using roaring torch on a minion why not this with 3 mana left. It's not a bad card in the slightest, though hardly a handful of people would actually understand that.
I only see this working in a reno deck where you're "forced" to run it because the better cards are all 1 ofs.
Baron Geddon heroic?
The fact this card can just be played for 0 is the only reason I think it has any merit. It's strictly worse than everything at any point.
2 mana - Frostbolt is better.
4 mana - Fireball is better.
10 mana - Pyroblast is better.
I don't think versatility makes up for how bad it is at ALL because 7 MINION damage for 7 mana is just bad. You wouldn't want that on a card.
0 mana spells = mage shenanigans though.
I disagree that it's useless on curve due to aforementioned versatility argument, but yeah this definitely works best because of giving mage a 0 mana spell. Two of these on turn 7 with Archmage Antonidas is tantamount to having 4 fireballs in your deck. That's a thing of beauty.