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Down side u could get fatigued very fast and it costs too much mana to combo
Hagatha the Witch and Bogshaper OTP
in an elemental deck, would you want to run this over blazecaller? im not sure I see it taking its place, blaze caller is really strong and i dont think I want to run 4 7 cost minions and kalimos. Maybe it will find its own deck.
Its not gonna be good in elemental. Its gonna be good in Hagatha the Witch decks.
I believe that this card will take over Blazecaller because of the slower meta game that is going to be after the Witchwood release. If the meta is a midrange and aggressive meta, by all means, play Blazecaller. The 7 mana slot in the Elemental Shaman deck is pretty flexible.
Elemental pull. Sunshard Lvl of must kill.
It's weird. I like it, but it's very weird.
Is this something beyond normal bog beasts that makes it an elemental, or should the others be tagged too?
Be prepared to make use of the extra 4 health, or else you're probably better off with Gadgetzan Auctioneer instead...
The Elemental tag isn't nothing.
Bogshaper has quite a bit going for him: tribal synergy, tutor effect, +4 health, synergy with hagatha. Just imagine him with Murmuring+Harbinger/Grumble, Ancestors Call, Unstable Evolution, or even Spellstone. A lot of unexplored potential!
If combo Shaman decks ever become a thing then this card could potentially be really good. Being able to specifically draw combo pieces like Malygos and Alex in the mid-game is really powerful. Even in just a regular mid-range shaman this might be good enough since 8 heath is hard to deal with and has the potential to snowball.
needs to be buffed with "Overload: 3" lul
card draw but with a actually good body? seems good
What, exactly, is the shape of a bog? Is it like the shape of water? Cuz if that's the case, then we know it's the shape of a fishman and woman having really weird sex. Let's give this card a bunch of awards now.
So this is the way to make Hagatha work in shaman. Pity that this kind of minions will be killed immediately as they hit the board. It will be fun to try this kind of shaman though.
I feel like Shaman has TOO MUCH going on and not all of it will work. First was Totem synergy, then Evolve synergy, then Elemental/Jade synergy, then Freeze synergy and Totem synergy again, now Elemental synergy again, Minion/Spell synergy, and Even cost archetype. They need to pick a direction and stick to it. I'm hoping they become viable again but what will work?
I love this card, it's beefy and it has a great effect with the recent spell themed shaman stuff, these reveals for shaman are lookin great we might actually see a pretty decent shaman deck for once.
and by decent i mean one that doesn't start off good and die off later on as the meta shapes
There comes a time in every Shaman's life when you just want some goddamn card draw. Prayers have now been answered.