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great card
I want this removed from ARENA. or at least have its appearance rate dramatically reduced. It's easily got the biggest effect of a single card in the game.
Sadly ultimate infestation is only card that keeps druid alive in Arena.Nobody would pick druid without it.
Give this card to ramp class... So druid can play it when opponent has turn 5. Give this to paladin or warrior. But no, Blizzard wanna broke druid. Why they push this class so hard idk.
tfw when you counter spell this
no punish for double ramping. indeed well designed.
90 % sure they coded so you draw this card in your first 3 turns.
Remove this goddamn awful card from the arena at least, where's the fun to losing to a Druid simply because this card outclass everything else in late game ?
I sometimes wonder if Blizzard think of arena when making cards but this card alone is the only proof that they don't.
I see the anger with this but I only run 1 because I just end up milling myself so its not like you can just use this WHENEVER to fuck people over. druids have lots of high mana cards late game so its hard to get rid of that big hand. (In my experience)
but yeah Ancient of Lore thing is the most valid argument against this card.
Blizzard: We nerf Ancient of Lore bc card draw is v gd in HS
Blizzard again: Introducing ULTIMATE INFESTATION!!
Remove this fucking card from arena!
This card actually made a comeback for C'Thun Druid for me. Draw your buffer, Vek'lor, Brann, C'Thun. Is fun at least :D
A ten mana card is meant to have a significant effect on the game, like C'thun or Yogg (pre-nerf).
It may not be the best because I didn't draft Jade Idol and as a result tied my first game with -28 + 5 due too fatigue from using 3 ultimate brokebacks on his face but I had to choose all of them for the meme potential.
Plus I couldn't change that "picked 100.00% of the time in arena rounds" too picked 99,99% of the time.
Ultimate Nerfestation is all I can say.
We make a OP Card for Druid, and THEN WE DOUBLE IT.
I like to think that the developers were originally going to give the card drawing part a more balanced number but they decided to make it a 5 so it doesn't break the harmony
Fuck this card and druid in general atm
This card is so OP, that you can't just "nerf" it a little bit (even a 4/4/4/4 would still be way too strong). A realistic nerf, would push this card to insignificance and therefore they just let it be, before tinkering in faltering fixes.