Card Text
Your Hero Power becomes 'Deal 2 damage.'
Flavor Text
If a bright light shines on a priest in Shadowform… do they cast a shadow?
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Tamsin will make this a Turn 5 damage 3 reality.
...if you can somehow get her in Priest.
I have to admit, I am having success playing it in the current meta by combining it with Archmage Vargoth
rip, used to be unplayable now Shadowreaper Anduin has sealed its coffin...
Dust becomes
Maybe it will shine again when Andiun rotates out .. :/
only need to run 1 now that we have Shadow Visions in ungoro
The fact that preist and mage is part of Kalbal
The fact that preist has both Shadowform and Raza the Chained
The fact that Preist can obtain Coldarra Drake from Kabal Courier
One of my favorite cards. Just made a shadow priest deck and already loving it, can't wait to see what improvements could be made
I got teared apart by ShadowJaina today :O
Thanks Yogg !
Edit: Same happened with Malfurion today, again thanks to Yogg.
With the introduction of priest of the feast for all your heals I think shadowform is an excellent pick as priest of the feast is more than enough to satisfy all your face healing needs. Dealing 3 damage is awesome!
I came here because I was basically thinking along the same lines. I'm loving how well my C'thun Priest deck is running, but There have been plenty of time where a 2 damage ping would have been amazingly helpful in ensuring C'thun's proc goes where it needs to go. If I ever pull or craft these I am gonna try it out!
GvG and Nax have been a super fast and aggro period for the meta, right? With them leaving, does anyone think that putting this into a control Priest deck will be a thing? I love the concept and provides amazing board control, but games are just too fast right now...
I think that in low ranks people will still play more aggo decks, because they are cheaper. For example you will never find control warrior neither dragon priest before rank 7~10. So people will try to rush you down faster the lower rank you go. Of course the skill of the players is completely different, but I do think that this card can be used in like a Reno type deck. But I am not a expert my higher rank was rank 6.
I really like this card, but it's very situational. I'm still toying around with whether it's better to only have 1 or 2 in my Shadowform Priest Deck.
I have one, toying with crafting another, if you find out whether 1 or 2 is optimal let me know. lol
I've played with two of these as part of my priest deck with varying other cards built around them. I find it really helps early especially if you go 2nd and can play it on your second turn (3rd turn getting 3 if RNG is on your side) and allows you to really control a board. I like to combine it with some of the bigger cards that work with inspire like Confessor to do big damage later on in a game. I haven't seen it play overly well in fast games but longer ones, it's pretty awesome.
Love this card. Really fun to use and now it's more viable with the release of League of Explorers and the nerf of Warsong Commander. This is really good for cleaning up persistent minions from a board clear or blasting away aggro minions. Yeah, you have to spend 3 mana just to change it but like pretty much every priest card out there, precision is key.
Trying to out heal aggro is NOT fun. Blasting it's minions with darkness is. Plus, in control vs control the 2-3 damage tends to be more useful than the healing when it comes down to fatigue.
I've always had better luck with the damage. Taking out a big creature seems to help me more than healing 2 or 4 damage it just did. And then some. But to each his own. Hearthstone is a game about differing playstyles.