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10 mana = 20 heal = good life
People don't how good this card is in so many matchups. Against face hunter or aggro shaman this card will just win you the game, against freeze mage if they play alex, humility then back up to 30.
the new favourite of the paladins, every one of them uses this card now.
Getting this from Thoughtsteal as a priest with Auchenai on board... So Strong. XD. But yes, the card's really good. Not as fun as Forbidden Shaping but it's invaluable in Clutch Situations. It's versatility is what makes it as good as it is though.
I can confirm all of these posts that say Forbidden Healing is good. The amount of time that face decks think they can beat you using Spells and Weapons when they are low on cards is priceless when you get a 20 heal on top of board control you should have.
Nerf this card... stupid overpowered...
Sorry face hunter
The point of any card in a control matchup is to trade one card for 2+, not always playing to tempo. This card does that perfectly, and also works well in an intense tempo match. - Source: Legend player running 2 of them and laughing at fireballs to my face.
Most underrated card of set!
Once the dust is settled and refined decks start to emerge this will be in all control paladins.Healbot is better only in very few cases.
Lets see the 3 most usual scenarios where you need healing.
Against pure face decks:You need to play a taunt to stop incoming damage and to heal.So at turn 6 you can play senjin and FH or just healbot.The 3/3 in this case is irrelevant and and most of the times you will want a 4 heal and taunt than 8 heal.
Against fload decks (like zoo):FH can be played with concecration or pyro+equality.Again 4 healing+board clear>8 healing +3/3
Against burst decks(freeze mage):The more healing the better since board doesnt matter in this case,FH>healbot
I put these scenarios at 6 mana because at mana<5 FH is better since healbot can't be played at all and at mana>6 FH offers much more than healbot anyway.
So healbot can be equal or slightly better only if you need healing at 5 mana.
So far my experience with this card has been astounding in control decks, it's good in almost every scenario late game:
10/10 will run this until 2018.
Are you ever running this again?
I thought so.
this is 3 holy lights in one card at 8 mana, and thats enough to still cast an equality or something beforehand, this card is going to make BabyRage
I remember playing WOW and going against those healadins...
So much healing your hero hp is on 10 play this card back to full it's also flexible.
Arena 6 out 10
Normal 10 out 10
;( wish were priest not pally card
A heal to calculate based on your mana and hey, 20 if you're desperate, healing wave just got some competition.
Just run Piloted Sky Golem and hope to get Auchenai Soulpriest :V
When I first saw this I thought it was a priest card and nearly lost it, imagining the t10 40 dmg combo with prophet velen and auchenai...
So disappointed when I looked closer and saw it was a paladin card. It's not mediocre, but it's a strong addition to the cancerous fatigue paladin decks that are more annoying to play against than face hunter/shaman (imo). Damn.