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Please change this card to "Shuffle 10 cards from other classes into your deck. They cost (1).".
hey guys i am trying to craft this card but not being able to ! logged in my phone then my laptop and it wont show in the crafting area ! help !?
How come my opponent Rogue always successfully create this pile of deck w/ Ethereal Lackey at Fatigue, paying 1~3 Mana instead of 400 Dust lol
JUST OP!!!!!!!!!!! the death of each control deck, for only 4 mana you have infinite value, madness!
turn 1 prep, turn 2 dk rexxar. how retarded. If wanted to play the lottery, I'd go to the store and buy a ticket.
Get a girlfriend, stop cryin'. The card doesn't insta win the game for u, actually shuffle rogue is low win rate deck now. Learn how to play the game before sayin a lot of poppo online.
This is the reason to carry Archbishop Benedictus in your Priest deck. All those delicious 1-cost cards are now yours!
I'm scared of dinosaur roars more than ever before now.
Another "wonderful" blizzard creation. This card should be much weaker.
"Hmm... How can I win this game? Ohh I know. Just gonna play some random bs cause I can't think for myself and have no idea how to build a fun deck other than base it on total randomness."
If Blizzard wants to print "FUN CARDS" then such should be totally out of competitive level. Warlock used to have a similar card but it was much weaker, Wizzbang gives you a random deck which is also fun but at least the two cards I mentioned don't WRECK fatigue and control decks.
Cards shuffled in the deck should have at best their price cut in half and not cost 1. This card is too strong given its randomness. Either card is made to be pure fun and you have 30% WR at best or just make them weaker for god sake so it is not used on the ladder.
Turn 1: Preparation > Academic Espionage
Turn 2: 1 Mana Tyrantus + Submit to Trolden
Turn 1: Preparation > Academic Espionage
Turn 2: 1 Mana Moonfire + Despair
Skulking Geist destroys the spells, i guess?
It totally should, but apparently doesn't.
I asked the staff and it's not supposed to touch any discounted cards
It does not. This is complete bullshit, Blizzard. The small indie company did not thought this out very well...
Meta defining 49% wow. For some reason when a rogue use this against me they always get my legendary high cost cards right away.
This card is just too good, if fatigue decks were ever a thing they aren't now.
Man some guy just sprinted into 3 1-mana Gromashes against me... feelsbadman
Give it a chance. If meta goes more control it could be really good. Certainly wouldn't dust yet.
Don't get me wrong, I love the card, and I agree with you. Though, it hasn't lived up to the hype for it before release. Fun, but not competitive unless something drastically changes.
According to hsreplay, this card's deck winrate is 40.7%. Not looking so hot