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SInce Old Gods, this card became an staple in almost every Rogue deck and for a good reason: It let´s you recycle powerfull battlecies and combos to get the ultimate tempo value. I crafted her way too late since she´s rotating in 2018, but I liked this card so much maybe I recraft some rotated cards and play Rogue in Wild (I won´t DE more card from now on unless thare totally unplayable).
My favorite card art in all of HS. Just pulled a golden one from ranked rewards and couldn't be happier since it fits perfectly into my Mill Rogue deck!
Wish I could see the look on my opponent's face whenever I shadowcaster my Blade of C'thun :D
I haven't seen a SINGLE quest rogue run this card so far, and I've played against dozens of them.
so much potential with this card and the Silence effect. Edwin, ragnaros too many to list
Calling it now. Shadowcaster will be amazing with the Jade Golems. I'm not certain, but I'm betting the 1/1 copy of a golem will transform into a larger golem, depending on how many you've played already. If this is so, then the brann, shadowcaster, and other jade golem summoner card stacking could really be fun. Looking forward to this new release!
Brann + Shadowcaster your own Shadowcaster, then have fun :D
This card is amazing :)
You can do some crazy stuff with this card. Combo it with a C'Thun deck and it is pretty easy to playShadowcaster on Brann Bronzebeard, then use your coin to get a double battlecry with C'Thun
Undercity Huckster gave me a Keeper of the Grove when I was facing a Druid, and this card put him to work. Ended up being the reason I won. Love this card and its versatility!
This card alone makes rogue so much fun to play again! Love the class, but this card vastly increased the options for different types of decks.
Love it so much I crafted a second copy :D
Not great but it's really fun to fuck around with.
One game I Shadowcaster'd The Skeleton Knight from Journey Below for double the sp00ks.
what do you mean not great its so op make a full board of 1/1 infinty vaule cards copy rag yogg and such
Brann Bronzebeard + this card + Shadowstep and you will now have two Branns, which will give you four more cards when combo'ed with Shadowcaster again.
What I meant was that you'd get four more cards when using the Shadowstepped Shadowcaster with each of the cheap 1/1 Branns, not that they would make a battlecry happen three or four times. That was why I put Shadowstep in the combo in my original comment in the first place.
Is it worth having two copies of this card? Got a golden and may need the extra dust.
either have 2 copies or 0, one copy is useless
You may have already figured this out but silencing or having your 1/1 copy silenced restores it to its original atk and health values but still loses any copied effects.
So what happens when you Gang Up one of the 1/1 versions?