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This meme card fits well with Thief Rogue. My Countess Ashmore pulled this, then this gave me a Zentimo. Mx. Zephrys the Great gave me Assassinate which I used to clear 3 big mage minions from OP Conjurer's Calling. Super fun!
I play one of these in a cube mech-rattle hunter, in the deck there's plenty of support for the card, and being less greedy than the Kathrena/king version I was looking for a bit more value in those games with late Rexxar. It is a meme but a playable meme at least.
Just got a golden one and god damn, the art on this card is absurdly good.
If this was a Druid card:
Deathrattle: Gain 2 mana crystals. Draw a 7, 8, 9, and 10-cost card from your deck.
I saw somebody use this for the first time in arena just now.
I kid you not, it gave him Millhouse Manastorm.
Probably my favorite golden of the set. The flavor of this card is amazing.
This into Face Collector = gg wp
Can't have a clown fiesta without a Piñata!
total garbage. Most random legendaries aren't good so compare this to poluted horder. poluted horder is better cause it draws from your deck and that see zero play.
I don't know who voted "playable" but they clearly don't play hearthstone.
Waste of great art.
Is this Fortnite? Hmmmmmmmmm...
KappaPride approved.
To quote Zalae: "This is a value card, Hearthstone is a tempo game, 1 star."
Sneed's Old Pinata
Best art in the recent times. Psychedelic influences!
On average maybe, not if you highroll the legend (depends on your deck)
It is strictly worse, because unlike shredder, it gives a card to your hand, not on board, which means much worse tempo. The stats are garbage, that means it won't see play in constructed.
Disagree. Again, depend on the legend you get. Shifting Shade was played in some priest decks, this may too.
Casino decks. Arena. Nothing more for that. Might be fun though.
Piloted Shredder 2.5 Confirmed.
He's baaaaaaaack.....
It's not even the same type of card. Shredder was a tempo card, giving you a minion on board, while this gives you just card in hand, which is always much worse.