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its funny how a card is unplayble in standard but meta breaking in wild
This card is nuts. I mean, Bloodbloom is actually the card that's nuts, but boy is DH warlock strong and consistent!
Game breaking especially in wild with blood bloom.
It turns out something similiar to phyrexian mana is pretty good. LUL
Doomguard died for this.
This card is not for the imps decks; this is for the Big Warlock. So, if you have around 10 big minions in your deck, at some point you will play one, value trade and replace (“heal”) it with another minion in you deck with this card. This card is 6-cost, so if minions in your deck cost more, it’s pretty good for you.
Looks like, you minions should have decent Deathrattles to make it work. Dr. Morrigan is irreplaceable in this kind of decks.
And you can combo it with Fiendish Circle. Still, in my opinion, it’s not worth it. You summon four big minions but at turn 10 your opponent already should have a big AoE. Note, this card summons not copies but the real minions — you might lose about 40% of your threats at once.
This will be another "play one card instantly win the game" warlock card. Much skill
Was really hoping this would just be destroy all friendly minions and summon random demons for each (it’d be like The Storm Bringer but both better and worse it would have a easier chance to low roll but also decent chance to highroll plus i’d think the darkest hour would fit more for if there was an army of demons on your doorstep like with the third invasion of the legion, eh at least it could make a cool interaction with Arch-Villain Rafaam even though that’d probably be a really bad deck but I’ll be trying it
hey just run bunch of decent sized and big guys and then Rafaam scheme... 9 mana feel board with bunch of stuff... Is it good enough though? AOE isn't exactly rare...
so basically those Imps you summon can be turned into better cards from your deck? This could go well with deathrattle cards too