Animal Companions
Card Clarification
You can only summon one of each companion each time this is played. You can not summon 2 Huffers, for example. (Source)
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Ever since Zul'jin appeared this card and Rhok'delar are really good....
having a good laugh with all the dust it comments
70 percent dust it OMEGALUL
It should summon all 3 if your deck has no minions. Worst card ever printed for the most minion-intensive class
Currently, Spell Hunter that runs this card at 2 copies is a tier 2 deck.
it's a staple actually which is even better
Would have been interesting if this card combined 2 animal companions like Zom-Beast, for example Huffer/Leokk would be a 6/6 with charge & buffed your minions by 1+.
There is no reason for the no minions condition. Why it has that is beyond me.
Two Animal Companion produces the same amount for equal mana cost, except it costs two cards from your hand and is a +0 in card advantage. This is one card, and if it fulfills restriction, it's a +1 in card advantage.
Spell Hunter was a good flavor for the first days of the expansion but its falldown was inevitable, at least this card got it's little time in the spotlight. However we saw that hunter has enough spells to make a deck without minions so what this deck need to succeed is some more cards with big pay off, To My Side! and Rhok'delar are no way near that good enough pay off
It's only the first few weeks of the expansion. The Spell Hunter decks are actually decreasing now that people realize how awful they are.
The most underrated card before release in the history of Hearthstone.
I kinda expected it, but I didn't dare to say anything because I was afraid everyone would make fun of me. Just look at this community, say never had the chance to test this deck before it was 100% clear for some of them that these cards all suck and Blizzard is shit in making good cards for hunter etc. etc.
It's always the same. I'm pretty sure Hearthstone would be completely ruined if the fans were allowed to make cards.
Guys its actually not even that bad
This card is actually not bad, don't dust it so fast guys.
Not that bad actually......
OMG Busted card Blizz WTF WOW! Every deck has to run Weasel Tunneler to counter this broken card now.
Extremely dangerous meme levels, Blizz. You are playing with fire.
You definitely have watched Rick and Morty.
How about: "Summon 2 Animal Companions, or 3 if your deck has no minions" ?
That would be very good, possibly too good, in the midrange architype, which they are apparently trying to move away from.