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aww but darkness its so much fun
Fun fact: If you play this with the new Mecha-Jaraxxus hero from the Boomsday preorder, he will yell "DARKNESS DELETED!" out of nowhere. I couldn't stop laughing about that the first time it happened to me.
Stick this into a deck with Genn Greymane, Reno Jackson, Yogg-Saron, Hope's End, and a butt ton of removal. Genn makes fishing a lot easier, and you can usually renounce on a full hand. Reno is usually active after renouncing, which is always a good drop. And, if you're playing Renounce, you're playing Yogg. You won't regret it.
Does not give me any of the new kobold cards. Unless I have been that unlucky these last 5 games...
Got a golden copy from the rank 5 chest and decided to invest some dust into the deck. Sitting at a 35% winrate right now, but it's fun as hell. I'd recommend the deck to anyone who's looking for a good time!
This card will never be un-fun.
If this gives you Death Knights, things just got interesting...
EDIT: It does. In fact, it can give you two of the same. Same thing applies to legendary weapons. Quests, however, haven't showed up in any of my games.
I was playing as quest rogue and bounced Swashburglar off of a warlock a couple of times. Interesting case where I ended up with 2 crappy warlock cards and Renounce Darkness.
I wasn't able to finish my quest on that turn so and was feeling saucy so i thought i'd roll the dice. I have found that the random effects tend to work out in caster's favor; i mean, the starting cards were crap, so a random draw is likely to be better than crap, right?
I got the mage hero power and some marginally better cards but not good enough to really help because they were spells that didn't help once i finished my quest next turn. Ended up losing the match. Long story short: i can see potential for this card being fun and having a swing turn when behind because of the mana reduction, but it isn't competitive.
Can this discover quests?
This video showcase the use of renounce darkness pretty well :D this druid has literally no chances for winning on that one
Using the non-gold version will cause the golden cards to turn into golden cards? I'm playing the tavern and this is not happening anymore!
Apparently Kabal tri-class cards do get transformed if this is cast. Servant of Yogg-Saron cast this when I had Kazakus in hand as Reno Mage, and Kazakus turned into the new Warrior legendary. I also had a Felfire Potion from the random potion minion turned into Brass Knuckles, and my Kabal Courier turned into a Public Defender. I lost the match via Malygos Druid combo.
Just had to share this screenshot of what happens when you combine Renounce Darkness with 2x Ethereal Peddler. Mix in a Shadowstep because why not? I've been playing Kolento's deck, btw. I should have taken the screenshot on the next turn though, because his 18/18 C'Thun he had been building up was completely absorbed by all these minions. Poor guy couldn't do anything but concede.
New Kolento's deck with this card is amazing funny and playable.
Do you like golden animation pansaer?
I really want this card for two reasons. One, I always enjoy these random chance cards and i'm curious if I could get it to work for me. Two... all the warlock decks I build don't work for dick so maybe this will help.
I think there's a huge bug with this card. My opponent played Yogg then got this card. They kept their Fireballs, but also had rogue spells (Shadowstrike, etc.) Shouldn't his Fireballs be replaced by Rogue class cards?
It is a bad card because after you use it everything becomes random and most of the time useless. People only play aggro warlock now.
Best card to use when friend vs friend. The whole game is like a Randomonium Tavern Brawl.